Università di Torino

Research Report Year 1994

Artificial Intelligence

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Knowledge representation and reasoning


Pietro Torasso

Full Professor

Luca Console

Associate Professor

Luigi Portinale


Paolo Terenziani


Daniele Theseirder Dupre'


Vittorio Brusoni

Ph. D. Student

Research activity in 1994

During 1994, research in the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning has followed three main lines.

The first one, the most foundational one, has been devoted to studying the representation of causal and temporal knowledge, with particular attention to the representation of change, persistence and actions. Problems of commonsense reasoning are strictly related to these issues, as well as nonmonotonic reasoning forms. Significant results have been obtained in the use of terminological languages for representing and reasoning with actionality, time and causation.

A second field grew significantly during 1994: the one of temporal data bases. Starting from past experience in temporal reasoning, this research activity has been devoted to provide a foundation to temporal representation and reasoning facilities that are being introduced in data bases. The problem of identifying a good compromise between expressive power and computational complexity in temporal database reasoning has also been considered, with significant results, in particular regarding the complexity of propagation of quantitative and qualitative temporal constraints.

The third line, which has been active for several years, is in the field of model-based reasoning with particular attention to model-based diagnosis. In 1994 the attention has been devoted to modeling systems with time-varying behavior and developing reasoning methodologies for diagnosis and monitoring of such systems. Some results have been obtained augmenting a logical atemporal model of the static properties of the system with transition graphs that model possible changes in the behavior.

Since, even in case the system to be diagnosed is static, diagnostic reasoning is complex, various opportunities for improving efficiency have been investigated: compilation techniques have been used for focusing reasoning, and a system has been experimented to integrated case-based reasoning with model-based diagnosis.

Diagnostic reasoning has also been modeled through Petri Net analysis; such methodologies provide insights on how parallel processing can be used for diagnosis.

The research activity has been done in the Progetto Finalizzato CNR "Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo" (L.R.C. CAUSALI) (Computer Systems and Parallel Computation, research line "Causal"), of the CNR Projects "Trattamento di informazione temporali in basi di dati e basi di conoscenza" (Dealing with temporal information in data and knowledge bases) and "Ambienti e strumenti per la gestione di informazioni temporali" (Enviroments and tools for dealing with temporal information), and of the bilateral France-Italy GALILEO project "Model-Based Diagnosis".

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