Università di Torino

Research Report Year 1997

Artificial Intelligence

  People   Research Activities   Publications   Software Products   Research Grants

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning


Pietro Torasso

Full Professor    Principal investigator


Luca Console

Associate Professor


Luigi Portinale

Senior Researcher


Paolo Terenziani

Senior Researcher


Daniele Theseider Dupre

Senior Researcher


Vittorio Brusoni

Ph. D. student



Research activity in 1997

Since MBR is known to have high computational costs, the interest for combining MBR with other problem solving methods (potentially less expensive) has grown in the recent years. In particular we have investigated how to combine Case-based reasoning approach with MBR in order to speed-up diagnostic problem solving, and making it more practical also for large applications. During 1997 we have developed an entirely new Retrieval module which is able to retrieve the most promising cases by taking into account easiness of adaptation and without exploring the entire case memory.

The development of this efficient Retrieval algorithm (whose performances are much better than the ones obtained with different case memory organizations) is a significant step in improving the overall performance of ADAPTER, the diagnostic system which is based on the strict integration of case-based and model-based and we have developed in the past years.


In co-operation with University of Amsterdam, we have also investigated how a multimodal system like ADAPTER suffers from utility problem (the increase of performance in one component does not implies an increase of performance of the whole system). We have carried on an extensive set of experiments in order to evaluate the benefits and the costs of the different modules and we have developed a complex cost model which is able to estimate the impact of modifications of the case memory on the performance of the whole system. We have also started the development of learning strategies in order to allow the system to automatically decide when new cases have to be learnt and stored in the case memory.


We have also investigated the relation of Model-based reasoning approach, in particular the one based on a logical representation of the behaviour of the system to model, with other representation formalisms. In particular, interesting results have been obtained in comparing logical approach to MBD with probabilistic models (in particular bayesian networks), despite the apparent differences our investigation has pointed out that both formalisms are strongly based on the assumption of completeness. The use of Petri Nets formalism and of the analysis mechanisms developed for such a formalism is investigated in order to model diagnostic reasoning in terms of concepts and methods typical of Petri Nets.


As regards compilation of model-based knowledge, an approach has been developed for compiling, from libraries of component models and a model of the structure of a device, functional dependency graphs of the type used in the IDEA system developed by the FIAT research center for vehicle diagnosis. The approach would allow an easier generation of such models and then a speed-up in the development of diagnostics for brand-new automotive systems.


A lot of attention has been given to the temporal dimension in model-based diagnosis. A general characterization of diagnosis with time has been provided, dealing with the different ways time can be taken into account in diagnosis (reasoning in different contexts, reasoning on temporal and dynamic behaviour, reasoning about time-varying behaviour). A characterization on when some of the temporal dimensions can be ignored has also been given. Specific results have been obtained on the diagnosis of dynamic systems, modelled by means of equations relating qualitative deviations of variables in the system: different definitions of diagnosis in such a context have been compared and a way of reasoning on the injection of abrupt faults into the system has been adopted to provide more accurate diagnostic solutions with respect to simpler definitions of diagnosis across time.


As regards temporal reasoning in itself, we extended LaTeR, a manager of temporal constraints we have developed since 1993, in order to deal with constraints on intersection, union and difference of time intervals, and with disjunctive temporal constraints. We also applied LaTeR to different areas, ranging from temporal diagnosis to the treatment of temporal constraints in relational databases.

Moreover, we developed an approach dealing with temporal constraints between repeated events, and we studied its correctness and its computational complexity.

The research work in temporal reasoning has found application in the field of patient management and in temporal queries to to database in industrial applications.


Related to temporal reasoning is the issue of reasoning about actions and change. In cooperation with the Catholic University of Leuven, a general solution to the ramification problem, that is, reasoning on side effects of events, has been provided and embedded in a narrative-based language modelled after the Event Calculus.


1997 Publications

V. Brusoni, L. Console, F. Molino, G. Molino, E. Nicolosi, and P. Terenziani. Clinical-mate: a manager of temporal databases for clinical applications. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, page 893, 1997.

V. Brusoni, L. Console, B. Pernici, and P. Terenziani. Qualitative and quantitative temporal constraints and relational databases: Theory, architecture, and applications. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (to appear), 1997.

V. Brusoni, L. Console, P. Terenziani, and D. Theseider Dupré. An efficient algorithm for temporal abduction. In Advances in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 1321, pages 195-206. Springer-Verlag, 1997.

An abstract of the paper appeared in Proc. TIME-97 International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning.

V. Brusoni, L. Console, B. Pernici, and P. Terenziani. Later: an efficient, general purpose manager of temporal information. IEEE Expert, 12(4):56-64, August 1997.

L. Console, R. Meo, and D. Theseider Dupré. On the automatic synthesis of functional dependency graphs from libraries of component models. In Proc. DX 97, 8th Int. Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France, 1997.

L. Portinale and P. Torasso. A comparative analysis of Horn models and bayesian networks for diagnosis. In Advances in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 1321, pages 254-265. Springer Verlag, 1997.

L. Portinale, P. Torasso, and D. Magro. Selecting most adaptable diagnostic solutions through Pivoting-Based Retrieval. In Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, LNAI 1266, pages 393-402. Springer Verlag, 1997.

L. Portinale. Behavioral Petri Net: a model for diagnostic knowledge representation and reasoning. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 27(2):184-195, 1997.

L. Portinale. Case-based probability factoring in bayesian belief networks. In Proc. 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTAT97), pages 391-398, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 1997.

L. Portinale. Modeling and solving constraint satisfaction problems through petri nets. In Proc. 18th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, LNCS 1248, pages 348-366, Toulouse, 1997.

P. Terenziani. Integrating calendar-dates and qualitative temporal constraints in the treatment of periodic events. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engeneering, 9(5):763-783, 1997.

P. Terenziani. Qualitative and quantitative temporal constraints about numerically quantified periodic events. In Proc. TIME-97 International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, pages 94-101. IEEE Computer Society, 1997.

P. Torasso and L. Portinale. Combining experiential knowledge and model-based reasoning for diagnostic problem solving. In S.G. Tzafestas, editor, Knowledge-Based Systems: Advanced Concepts, Techniques and Applications, pages 375-397. World Scientific Publ., 1997.

K. van Belleghem, M. Denecker, and D. Theseider Dupré. Ramifications in an event-based language. In Proc. of the Ninth Dutch Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1997, 1997.

M. van Someren, J. Surma, and P. Torasso. A utility-based approach to learning in a mixed cbr-mbr architecture. In Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, LNAI 1266, pages 477-488. Springer Verlag, 1997.




Software Products


The second version of prototipical system which integrates CBR and MBR approaches for diagnostic problem solving has been developed: an innovative mechanism for Case Memory management (an in particular for case retrieval) has been added to the previous version of the systems.



LaTeR is a general-purpose mangaer of temporal information that can be loosely-coupled with other reasoning modules. It can deal with different types of temporal information (qualitative and quantitative) and performs temporal reasoning efficiently. In 1997 a new version of the systems has been development and a graphical interface implemented in Java has been added.

Later has been used in TRelational temporal database, temporal model-based diagnosis and scheduling problems.


Research grants

Title of project

Project leader

Funding Organization

Kind of grant

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Expert Systems

P. Torasso

Universita' di Torino

ex 60%

Knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms

A.Martelli (National Coordinator)

P. Torasso (Local Coordinator)


ex 40%

Strategie di controllo innovative per Sistemi di intelligenza artificiale

P. Torasso


Coordinated Project

CASIS: Cooperazione tra Agenti in Sistemi Informativi Sanitari

L. Console


Coordinated Project

Vehicle Model-based diagnosis - BRPR-CT95-0138"

L. Console

European Union

Brite-Euram R&D Project

MONET "Model-based and Qualitative Reasoning"

L. Console

European Union

Network of Excellence

Metodologie informatiche innovative per la gestione computerizzata del paziente ed il controllo di qualita'

P. Torasso

Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Battista di Torino


Linguaggio evoluto per interrogazioni temporali a basi di dati

P. Terenziani

Societa' Informatica S.p.A., Torino



Activity and role in the scientific community


L. Console,

- Program co-Chair of the Program Committee of the 8th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-97)

- Member of the Executive Board of European Network of Excellence MONET

- Member of the Program Committee of the 5th AI*IA Congress

- Member of the Program Committee of the 5th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 97)

- Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE Imacs Conference on Model-based reasoning applications for control.

D. Theseider Dupre',

- Member of the Program Committee of the 8th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-97)

- Member of the Program Committee of the 14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97)

P. Torasso,

- Member of the Editorial Board of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine published by North Holland

- Member of the Editorial Board of Sistemi Intelligenti published by Il Mulino

- President of Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale

- Member of the Executive Board of European Co-ordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence


Oral presentations in Congresses and Conferences


Vittorio Brusoni:

An Efficient Algorithm for Temporal Abduction,

TIME-97 International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning,

May 10-11, Daytona, Florida, USA

Luca Console:

Tutorial on "Diagnostic problem solving: stato dell'arte e applicazioni"

5th Italian Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence,

September 17-19, Rome, Italy

Luigi Portinale

"Selecting most adaptable diagnostic solutions through Pivoting-Based Retrieval"

2nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR97), July 25-27, Providence USA.

Luigi Portinale

"Case-Based probability factoring in Bayesian belief networks"

6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTAT97), Ft. Lauderdale, USA



Luigi Portinale

"Modeling and solving constraint satisfaction problems through Petri Nets"

18th Internationa Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN97), Toulouse, France.

Luigi Portinale:

A comparative analysis of Horn models and Bayesian Networks for Diagnosis

5th Italian Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence,

September 17-19, Rome, Italy

Paolo Terenziani:

An Efficient Algorithm for Temporal Abduction,

5th Italian Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence,

September 17-19, Rome, Italy

Paolo Terenziani:

Qualitative and Quantitative Temporal Constraints about Numerically Quantified Periodic Events

TIME-97 International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning,

May 10-11, Daytona, Florida, USA

Daniele Theseider Dupre'

On the automatic synthesis of functional dependency graphs from libraries of component models

8th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-97), Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France.

Pietro Torasso

A utility based approach to learning in a mixed case-based and model-based reasoning achitecture

2nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR97), July 25-27, Providence USA.

Pietro Torasso

"Case-based reasoning and search strategies in diagnostic problem solving"

Workshop CNR Project SCI*SIA,

July 6, Roma

Pietro Torasso:

Selecting most adaptable diagnostic solutions through Pivoting-Based Retrieval"

Workshop CNR Project SCI*SIA,

December 4-5, Roma





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