Università di Torino

Research Report Year 2001

Computer Science

Image and Signal Processing

  People   Research Activities   Publications   Software Products   Research Grants

Image and Signal Processing


Balossino Nello

Associate Professor


Lucenteforte Maurizio



Siracusa Simona

Researcher Collaborator


Research activity in 2001

The research has been carried on pluridimensional signals processing involving images and sound. In the images area the interest is focused on three main subjects: pattern recognition, compression and images’ synthesis. The first subject has been applied to biomedical and pictorial images while the two others are referred to virtual reality domain.

The main topics of the research are:

  1. improvement and study of new pattern recognition algorithms applied to biomedical, archaeological and pictorial images;
  2. compression and reconstruction of static images and movies, both monochromatic and coloured, using Loeve Karhunen expansion based on universal set of eigenvalue functions;
  3. study and creation of hypermedial didactical modules for children;
  4. application of image processing technique in forensic medicine;
  5. real time integration of virtual and real distributed environments;
  6. real time sound rendering for applications in virtual reality;

2001 Publications

  • N. Balossino, F. Bresciani, M. Lucenteforte, S. Siracusa, A Low Cost System for Real-Time Integration of Virtual and Real Distribuited Enviroments, 13th International Symposium Electronic Imaging 2001, SPIE, 21/26 gennaio 2001, San Josè, CA.
  • N. Balossino, M. Lucenteforte, S. Siracusa, Some Practical Remarks About Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to Biomedical Images, Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Pula, Croatia, giugno 2001.
  • N. Balossino, M. Lucenteforte, S. Siracusa, Computer Science Shows the Holy Shroud to the Blind, Electronic Imaging & Visual Art, EVA 2001, Firenze, marzo 2001.


Multimedia Software Products

The ADDIZIONARIO project is a hypermedia linguistic laboratory to help children in the process of first language learning, in particular through the use of a multimedia dictionary. This software, developed in cooperation with the Institute for Computational Linguistics of CNR, has been converted in multilanguage form: the desired language may be chosen by the user.


Research Grants

Title of project

Project leader

Funding Organization

Kind of grant

Sintesi e compressione di segnali per mondi virtuali

N. Balossino

Università di Torino

Local Research

Analisi e Sintesi di Immagini Statiche e Dinamiche

N. Balossino

Università di Torino

Local Research

Sviluppo di un sistema per l'integrazione di materiale espressivo multimediale

N. Balossino


Coordinated Project


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