Università di Torino

Research Report Year 2001

Computer Science



The Dipartimento di Informatica is the center coordinating the research activity in the area of Computer Science and Information Technology at the Università di Torino.

At the end of 2001, 49 people with permanent academic positions (full professors, associate professors, and researchers) were active at the Dipartimento di Informatica. Their research activity covers a wide range of topics in Computer Science and related areas. Their teaching activity in the academic year 2000-2001 covered both introductory and advanced courses in Computer Science for the Diploma Universitario di Informatica (a three-year curriculum in Computer Science), for the Corso di Laurea in Informatica (a five-year curriculum in Computer Science) and for the PhD program in Computer Science. Teaching activities are also carried on in the School of Humanities (in particular, for Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione, Diploma di Operatore in Beni Culturali - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia -, for DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - , for Corso di Laurea in Lingue - Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere -, for Corso di Laurea in Psicologia, Facoltà di Psicologia, for Corso di Laurea Interfacoltà di Scienze Strategiche, for Corso di Laurea Interfacoltà di Scienze Motorie, and for various Masters).

Both the research and the teaching activities are supported by a technical staff of 7 people, an administrative staff of 7 people, a librarian staff of 1 permanent clerk helped by some short-term collaborators, a logistic staff of 2 people, and a reception staff of 4 people (some people have temporary positions). Strategic for the development of the research activity of the members of the Dipartimento di Informatica is the collaboration with 15 cooperating researchers, 15 temporary researchers and 21 PhD students. More information can be found at http://www.di.unito.it/servlet/DipAnagrafica.ShowCategories.

In the following, the report synthesizes the research activity performed during the past year. It is worth noting that most of the professors and researchers are active in the area of Computer Science (scientific sector INF/01, previously K05B). At the beginning of 2000, the research has been organized into five gross subareas and a research laboratory has been established for each subarea, so that all the research projects active at the Dipartimento di Informatica in the year 2001 are grouped into those five subareas.

In the Dipartimento di Informatica are also active two other (small) groups, one in the area of Operational Research (scientific sector MAT/09, ex A04B) and the other one in the area of Economics and Management Science (scientific sectors SECS-P/08, ex P02B).

As in previous years, an important source of funding has been the European Union within projects in the V framework: some new projects have started and other ones are under negotiations. Also, in 2001 the Dipartimento di Informatica has been able to get research contracts from industries and organizations (both private and public).


The analysis of publications (listed after the report of each research project), as well as of the research contracts, shows the international dimension of the research activity carried on at the Dipartimento di Informatica, and the ability of many groups of establishing strong links with industries and research centers.

Along with basic and applied research, the Dipartimento di Informatica has been also involved in the organization of Master Schools and in the development of Prototypes: these are described in the session "Master Schools and Prototypes".

A final section of this report is devoted to describe the Dottorato di Ricerca in Informatica (the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science) activated at the Dipartimento di Informatica.

It is worth noting that Dipartimento di Informatica is cooperating with and supporting also the Ph.D Program in Cognitive Sciences, and the Ph.D Program in Communication Sciences.

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