Università di Torino

Research Report Year 2002

Management and Business Administration

Management and Business Administration

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Last and first name



Bussolin Gianpiero

Full professor


Pironti Marco




Research activity in 2002

The field of these researches has been enhanced for the application of Information Technology for administrative and industrial problems, business strategy and decision making to invest in strategic information technology ventures.

The technological dynamism that is influencing all production systems in a more or less preponderant manner, highlights the need to research and formalise structured approaches in order to best exploit the opportunities that such an evolution generates and to manage and develop the technological competences of all businesses.

The digital economy and the virtualisation of production processes are however not completely new phenomena , being substantially connected to the development of electronic communication systems, which have been available for some time. However, what turns the effects of these events into irreversible factors of radical change in the way we communicate, is the integration of the transmission networks, resulting in the possibility of using a single network for the emission and reception of signals with the consequent possibility of integrating, in an "Information Superhighway" (a multimedia network that is integrated and interactive), the previously separate infrastructures dedicated to telephone, television and data.

Such a process is tied to the digitalisation of information which consists of the simple, but outstanding technological phenomenon in which it is possible to translate data, sounds and images in a unique digital binary format, as used in Information Technology. In this imprecisely defined scenario, SME are beginning to confront the problem of the structural redefinition of company business information systems, in view of complete integration with key business processes.

During the month of Novembre 2001, a workshop named "Sotto l' ombrello del Web: nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione e lo sviluppo delle imprese" was carried out in collaboration with local institutions and a consulting company. The invited speakers were managers of IT companies and academic members of the University of Turin. Proceedings referring the workshop are in press at the end of 2002.

2002 Publications

Bussolin G., Pironti M. "L'impatto delle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione sull'organizzazione d'impresa. Lo scenario attuale e le prospettive delle PMI del nord-ovest" Atti del XXV Convegno annuale Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Università Piemonte Orientale, Novara 2002

Pironti M. "New communication models for the small and medium enterprise development: multimediality in the internal and external business processes" in "Research on Business Policies and strategies in a global market. A framework for SME", 2002

Pironti M. "E-Business Models " Cedam, 2002 (in corso di stampa)

Bussolin G., Pironti M. (a cura di) "Sotto l'ombrello del Web: nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione per lo sviluppo delle imprese" Atti del Workshop, Cedam, 2002 (in corso di stampa)

Pironti M. "L'evoluzione tecnologica e le strategie d'impresa" in Atti del Workshop "Sotto l'ombrello del Web: nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e dell'informazione per lo sviluppo delle imprese" Cedam, 2002 (in corso di stampa)

Pironti M. "L'ERP ha una bella cera" IlSole24Ore, 22 marzo 2002

Pironti M., Schiesari R. "L'evoluzione del mercato e il processo di concentrazione delle imprese: rilevanza nelle decisioni strategiche" in "La successione generazionale" Ed. IlSole24Ore, Milano 2002





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