Università di Torino

Publications of NLP Group keyword `ZZONTO'

Search performed on http://www.di.unito.it/~gull/biblio/bibliography.html.

This page is by Guido Boella.

  1. G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, M. Martin, A. Mazzei, M. Martin, D.P. Radicioni, and P. Rossi. Multilevel Legal Ontologies. In S. Montemagni, editor, Semantic Processing of Legal Texts, Berlin, (to appear). Springer.

  2. G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, M. Martin, A. Mazzei, D.P. Radicioni, and P. Rossi. Legal Taxonomy Syllabus version 2.0. In 3rd Workshop on Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Barcelona, Spain, June 2009. CEUR.

  3. G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, A. Mazzei, D.P. Radicioni, and P. Rossi. Legal Taxonomy Syllabus: Handling Multilevel Legal Ontologies. In Proceedings of Langtech 2008, February 2008.

  4. G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, A. Mazzei, D.P. Radicioni, and P. Rossi. Multilevel legal ontologies. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.

  5. G. Ajani, G. Boella, L. Lesmo, A. Mazzei, and P. Rossi. Multilingual ontological analysis of european directives. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Companion Volume Proceedings of the Demo and Poster Sessions, pages 21-24, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007. Association for Computational Linguistics.

  6. G. Ajani, L. Lesmo, G. Boella, A. Mazzei, and P. Rossi. Terminological and ontological analysis of european directives: multilinguism in law. In 11-th International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and LAW, ICAIL07, pages 43-48, Stanford, California, June 2007.

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Last update: Feb 18, 2000