INFORMATICA Università di Torino | |
In late '80s the group began working on nonclassical logics, in particular modal logic, studying extensions of logic programming languages based on the use of multimodal operators, which can be interpreted as module names, agent beliefs or actions. Another research interest concerns the development of an extended logic programming language with belief revision capabilities, which support hypothetical updates in presence of constraints. In addition to the research mentioned above, the work of the group focused also on various topics related with nonmonotonic reasoning and proof methods for nonclassical logics. More recently the research activity has been mainly involved with the search of proof methods for non-classical and non-monotonic logics, reasoning about action and change, and applications of logic programming to databases. See latest research reports: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Comments to: baldoni[at]di.unito.it | Last update: Mar 24, 2008 |