Università di Torino



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  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, M. Bucciarelli, S. Capecchi, E. Gandolfi, C. Gena, F. Ianì, E. Marengo, R. Micalizio, A. Rapp, and I. Nabil Ras. Does Any AI-based Activity Contribute to Develop AI Conception? A Case Study with Italian Fifth and Sixth Grade Classes. In J. Dy, S. Natarajan, and M. Wooldridge, editors, Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2024, Fourteeth Symposium on Education Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2024, Vancouver, canada, Febrauary 20-27 2024. AAAI. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, E. Marengo, and R. Micalizio. A Responsibility Framework for Computing Optimal Process Alignments. In J. De Weerdt and L. Pufahl, editors, Post-Proceedings of BPM 2023 Workshops, volume 492 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, pages 1-13, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11-15 2024. Springer. (PDF)


  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, E. Marengo, and R. Micalizio. A Responsibility Framework for Computing Optimal Process Alignments. In J. De Weerdt and L. Pufahl, editors, Post-Proceedings of BPM 2023 Workshops, volume 492 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, pages 1-13, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11-15 2024. Springer. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, A. Bottrighi, M. Bucciarelli, S. Capecchi, E. Gandolfi, C. Gena, F. Ianì, E. Marengo, D. Marocco, R. Micalizio, L. Piovesan, M. Ponticorvo, A. Rapp, A. Roveta, P. Terenziani, and F. Ugo. Fostering Awareness and Personalization of Learning Artificial Intelligence. In F. Falchi, F. Giannotti, A. Monreale, C. Boldrini, S. Rinzivillo, and S. Colantonio, editors, Proc. of the Ital-IA Intelligenza Artificale . Thematic Workshops co-located with the 3rd CINI National Lab AIIS Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ital-IA 2023, volume 3486, pages 449-454, Pisa, Italy, May 29th-30th 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, V. Ditano, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Agents for Industry 4.0: the Case Study of a Production Cell. In R. Falcone, C. Castelfranchi, A. Sapienza, and F. Cantucci, editors, Proc. of the 24th Workshop "From Objects to Agents", WOA 2023, volume 3486, pages 167-180, Roma, Italy, November 6th-8th 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, E. Marengo, and R. Micalizio. A Responsibility Framework for Computing Optimal Process Alignments. In C. Di Francescomarino, F. M. Maggi, A. Marrella, A. Senderovich, and E. Sulis, editors, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management, AI4BPM 2023, co-located with Business Process Management Conference, BPM 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11-15 2023. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, E. Marengo, and R. Micalizio. Leveraging on Responsibilities for Optimal Process Alignment Computation. In R. Basili, D. Lembo, C. Limongelli, and A. Orlandini, editors, Proceedings of the Discussion Papers - 22nd Int. Conf. of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2023 DP), volume 3537, pages 11-19, Roma, Italy, November 6th-9th 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability in Multi-Agent Organizations: from Conceptual Design to Agent Programming. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 37(7), 2023. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Robust JaCaMo Applications via Exceptions and Accountability. In N. Agmon, B. An, A. Ricci, and W. Yeoh, editors, Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2023, pages 3050-3052, London, United Kingdom, May 29th-June 2nd 2023. ACM and IFAAMAS, Richland, SC. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Towards Exception Handling in the SARL Agent Platform. In P. Mathieu, F. Dignum, P. Novais, and F. de la Prieta, editors, Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Cognitive Mimetics. The PAAMS Collection - 21st International Conference, PAAMS 2023, volume 13955 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 403-408, Guimarães, Portugal, July 12-14 2023. Springer. (PDF)

  • V. Charpenay, M. Baldoni, A. Ciortea, S. Cranefield, J. Padjet, and P. M. Singh. Governing Agents on the Web. In N. Fornara, J. Cheriyan, and A. Mertzani, editors, Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XVI, Post-Proc. of the 27th International Workshop, COINE 2023, volume 14002 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 55-73, London, UK, May 29 2023. Springer. (PDF)

  • V. Charpenay, M. Baldoni, A. Ciortea, S. Cranefield, J. Padjet, and P. M. Singh. Governing Agents on the Web (Blue Sky Ideas). In J. Cheriyan, N. Fornara, and A. Mertzani, editors, Proc. of the International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems, COINE 2023, co-located with AAMAS 2023, London, UK, May 29 2023. (PDF)





  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Organizations for Engineering Business Processes. In L. A. Dennis, R. H. Bordini, and Y. Lespèrance, editors, Post-Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, EMAS 2019, Revised Selected Papers, number 12058 in LNAI, pages 3-24, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13-14, 2019 2020. Springer. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Agents for Engineering Business Processes. In R. H. Bordini, L. A. Dennis, and Y. Lesperance, editors, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, EMAS 2019, held in conjuction with AAMAS 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 13-14 2019. Best Paper Award. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Engineering Business Process through Accountability and Agents (Extended Abstract). In N. Agmon, M. E. Taylor, E. Elkind, and M. Veloso, editors, Proc. of 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Engineering Multiagent Systems Track, AAMAS 2019, pages 1796-1798, Montreal QC, Canada, May 13th-17th 2019. IFAAMAS, Richland, SC. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Engineering Multiagent Organizations by Accountability and Responsibility. In M. Alviano, G. Greco, and F. Maratea, M. Scarcello, editors, Proc. of Discussion and Doctoral Consortium papers of AI*IA 2019 - 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA-DDC 2019, volume 2495, pages 12-23, Rende, Italy, November 19-22 2019. CEUR, Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Capuzzimati, and R. Micalizio. Process Coordination with Business Artifacts and Multi-Agent Technologies. Journal on Data Semantics, 8(2):99-112, June 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13740-019-00100-8. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Capuzzimati, and R. Micalizio. Type Checking for Protocol Role Enactments via Commitments. In N. Agmon, M. E. Taylor, E. Elkind, and M. Veloso, editors, Proc. of 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, JAAMAS Track, AAMAS 2019, pages 1690-1692, Montreal QC, Canada, May 13th-17th 2019. IFAAMAS, Richland, SC. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, and S. Micalizio, R. Tedeschi. MOCA: An ORM MOdel for Computational Accountability. Journal of Intelligenza Artificiale, 13(1):5-20, 2019. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and R. Micalizio. Accountability, Responsibility and Robustness in Agent Organizations. In V. Dignum, P. Noriega, and H. Verhagen, editors, Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Responsible Artificial Intelligence Agents, RAIA 2019, held in conjuction with AAMAS 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 14 2019. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Implementing Business Processes in JaCaMo+ by Exploiting Accountability and Responsibility. In N. Agmon, M. E. Taylor, E. Elkind, and M. Veloso, editors, Proc. of 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Demo Track, AAMAS 2019, pages 2330-2332, Montreal QC, Canada, May 13th-17th 2019. IFAAMAS. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Programming Agents by Their Social Relationships: A Commitment-Based Approach. Algorithms, special issue ``Social Computing and Multiagent Systems'', 12(4):76, April 2019. https://doi.org/10.3390/a12040076. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, M. Dastani, B. Liao, Y. Sakurai, and R. Zalila Wenkstern, editors. PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 22nd International Conference, volume 11873 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Turin, Italy, October 28-31 2019. Springer.

  • M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, and K. Satoh. Renvoi in Private International Law: A Formalization with Modal Contexts. In M. Araszkiewicz and V. Rodríguez-Doncel, editors, Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2019: The Thirty-second Annual Conference, volume 322 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 157-162, Madrid, Spain, December 11-13 2019. IOS Press. (PDF)

  • A. Garro, M. Mühlhäuser, A. Tundis, M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Bergenti, and P. Torroni. Intelligent Agents: Multi-Agent Systems. In Shoba Ranganathan, Michael Gribskov, Kenta Nakai, and Christian Schönbach, editors, Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, volume 1 of Reference Module in Life Sciences, pages 315-320. Elsevier Academic Press, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.20328-2. (PDF)


  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, J. F. Hübner, and R. Micalizio. Norm-aware and Norm-oriented Programming. In A. Chopra, L. van der Torre, H. Verhagen, and S. Villata, editors, Handbook of Normative Multiagent Systems, chapter 8 (Part: Engineering normative multiagent systems), pages 231-248. College Publications, 2018. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Agents Organizations. In T. Miller, N. Oren, Y. Sakurai, I. Noda, T. Savarimuthu, and Tran Cao Son, editors, PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, 21st International Conference, number 11224 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 403-419, Tokyo, Japan, October 31st-November 2nd 2018. Springer. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Capuzzimati, and R. Micalizio. Commitment-based Agent Interaction in JaCaMo+. Fundamenta Informaticae, 159(1-2):1-33, 2018. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Capuzzimati, and R. Micalizio. Objective Coordination with Business Artifacts and Social Engagements. In E. Teniente and M. Weidlich, editors, Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2017 International Workshops, Revised Papers, volume 308 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), pages 1-18, Barcelona, Spain, 2018. Springer. This paper has been presented at the First Workshop on BP Innovations with Artificial Intelligence, BPAI 2017, organized by Koehler, J., Montali, M., Srivastava, B., Stuckenschmidt, H., De Masellis, R., Di Fracescomarino, C., Maggi, F. M., and Senderovich, A. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Capuzzimati, and R. Micalizio. Type Checking for Protocol Role Enactments via Commitments. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 32(3):349-386, May 2018. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, A. K. Copra, and A. Günay. Interaction Protocols. In A. Chopra, L. van der Torre, H. Verhagen, and S. Villata, editors, Handbook of Normative Multiagent Systems, chapter 7 (Part: Engineering normative multiagent systems), pages 209-230. College Publications, 2018. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. An Information Model for Computing Accountabilities. In C. Ghidini, B. Magnini, A. Passerini, and P. Traverso, editors, AI*IA 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, XVII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, volume 11298 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 30-44, Trento, Italy, November 20th-23th 2018. Springer. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Computational Accountability in MAS Organizations with ADOPT. Journal of Applied Sciences, special issue ``Multi-Agent Systems'', 8(4):489, March 2018. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and R. Micalizio, editors. Computational Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Systems, Proc. of the First Workshop, CARe-MAS 2017. co-located with 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2017), volume 2051, Nice, France, October 31st 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-2051/. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and R. Micalizio. Goal Distribution in Business Process Models. In C. Ghidini, B. Magnini, A. Passerini, and P. Traverso, editors, AI*IA 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, XVII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, volume 11298 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 252-265, Trento, Italy, November 20th-23th 2018. Springer. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and R. Micalizio. The AThOS Project: First Steps towards Computational Accountability. In M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and R. Micalizio, editors, Proc. of the First Workshop on Computational Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Systems, CARe-MAS 2017, volume 2051, Nice, France, October 31st 2018. CEUR, Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Business Processes via Agent Technology. In M. Maratea and M. Vallati, editors, Proc. of the Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA 2018), co-located with the Federated Logic Conference (FLOC 2018), volume 2271, Oxford, UK, July 13 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Invited paper. (PDF)

  • Cristina Baroglio, Olivier Boissier, and Axel Polleres. Special Issue: Computational Ethics and Accountability. ACM Trans. Internet Technol., 18(4):40:1-40:4, April 2018.

  • V. Dignum, M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, M. Caon, R. Chatila, L. A. Dennis, G. Génova, G. Haim, M. Kliess, M. Lopez-Sanchez, R. Micalizio, J. Pavón, M. Slovkovik, M. Smakman, M. van Steenberg, S. Tedeschi, L. van der Torre, S. Villata, and T. de Wildt. Ethics by Design: Necessity or Curse?. In J. Furman, G. Marchant, H. Price, and F. Rossi, editors, Proc. of 2018 AAAI/ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES 2018), pages 60-66, New Orleans, USA, February 1-3 2018. ACM. (PDF)





  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, F. Bex, F. Grasso, N. Green, M.-R. Namazi-Rad, M. Numao, M. Merlin, and M. T. Suarez, editors. Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: International Workshops: IWEC 2014, CMNA XV, IWEC 2015, Revised Selected Papers, volume 9535 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Gold Coast, QLD, Australia and Bertinoro, Italy, 2016. Springer.

  • G. Attardi, V. Basile, C. Bosco, T. Caselli, F. Dell'Orletta, S. Montemagni, V. Patti, M. Simi, and R. Sprugnoli. State of the Art Language Technologies for Italian: The EVALITA 2014 Perspective. Journal of Intelligenza Artificiale, 9(1):43-61, 2015.

  • M. Baldoni. Android applications are inspired by Multi-Agent Systems. Presentation at Droidcon 2014, Torino, Italy, February 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. A Commitment-based Infrastructure for Programming Socio-Technical Systems. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Special Issue on Foundations of Social Computing, 14(4):23:1-23:23, December 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Reasoning about Social Relationships with Jason. In A. Chopra and H. Verhagen, editors, Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Multiagent Foundations of Social Computing, SC-AAMAS 2014, held in conjuction with AAMAS 2014, Paris, France, May 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Social Computing in JaCaMo. In T. Schaub, Friedrich, and B. G. O'Sullivan, editors, Proc. of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2014, volume 263 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 959-960, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2014. IOS Press. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Social Computing with 2COMM. ILIAS Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Social Relationships for Designing Agent Interaction in JADE. In C. Santoro and F. Bergenti, editors, Proc. of 15th Workshop From Objects to Agents, WOA 2014, volume 1260, Catania, Italy, September 2014. CEUR, Workshop Proceedings. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Typing Multi-Agent Systems via Commitments. In F. Dalpiaz, J. Dix, and M. B. van Riemsdijk, editors, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, EMAS 2014, held in conjuction with AAMAS 2014, pages 341-359, Paris, France, May 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and F. Capuzzimati. Typing Multi-Agent Systems via Commitments. In F. Dalpiaz, J. Dix, and M. B. van Riemsdijk, editors, Post-Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, EMAS 2014, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, number 8758 in LNAI, pages 388-405. Springer, 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, and A. Garro. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: From Objects to Agents, Guest Editorial. SCS M&S Magazine, 4(3):3, December 2014. (PDF)

  • M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, E. Marengo, V. Patti, and F. Capuzzimati. Engineering commitment-based business protocols with 2CL methodology. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 28(4):519-557, July 2014. (PDF)

  • Valerio Basile, Andrea Bolioli, Malvina Nissim, Viviana Patti, and Paolo Rosso. Overview of the Evalita 2014 SENTIment POLarity Classification Task. In Proceedings of the 4th evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech tools for Italian (EVALITA'14), pages 50-57, Pisa, Italy, 2014. Pisa University Press. (PDF)

  • C. Bosco, L. Allisio, V. Mussa, V. Patti, G. Ruffo, M. Sanguinetti, and E. Sulis. Detecting Happiness in Italian Tweets: Towards an Evaluation Dataset for Sentiment Analysis in Felicittà. In B. Schuller, P. Buitelaar, L. Devillers, C. Pelachaud, T. Declerck, A. Batliner, P. Rosso, and S. Gaines, editors, Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on EMOTION, SOCIAL SIGNALS, SENTIMENT & LINKED OPEN DATA, ESSSLOD 2014, pages 56-63, Reykjavík, Islanda, May 2014. European Language Resources Association. (PDF)

  • V. Genovese, L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, and Pozzato G. L. Logics in access control: a conditional approach. Journal of Logic and Computation 24(4), pages 705-762, 2014.

  • L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, N. Olivetti, and Pozzato G. L. Minimal models for rational closure in SHIQ. In Proc. of the 15th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2014), pages 271-277. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014.

  • L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, N. Olivetti, and Pozzato G. L. Rational Closure in SHIQ. In Proc. of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2014), pages 1-13. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014.

  • R. Micalizio, M. Baldoni, and C. Baroglio. Multiagent Planning as an Emerging Behavior in Agent Societies. Presentation at Normative Multi-Agent Systems (NorMAS 2014), University Residential Center, Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy, September 2014. (PDF)

  • Manuela Sanguinetti, Emilio Sulis, Viviana Patti, Giancarlo Ruffo, Leonardo Allisio, Valeria Mussa, and Cristina Bosco. Developing corpora and tools for sentiment analysis: the experience of the University of Turin group. In Proceedings of the of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014), pages 322-327, Pisa, Italy, 2014. Pisa University Press. (PDF)

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