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M. Baldoni. Normal Multimodal Logics: Automatic Deduction and Logic Programming Extension. PhD thesis, Dipartimento di Informatica --- Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, 1998. In preparation.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, and A. Martelli. A Multimodal Logic to define Modules in Logic Programming. In D. Miller, editor, Proc. of the International Logic Programming Symposium, ILPS'93, pages 473--487, Vancouver, 1993. The MIT Press.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, and A. Martelli. A Framework for Modal Logic Programming. In M. Maher, editor, Proc. of the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming, JICSLP'96, pages 52--66, Bonn, 1996. The MIT Press.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, and A. Martelli. A Modal Extention of Logic Programming: Modularity, Beliefs and Hypothetical Reasoning. Technical Report RT 36/97, Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Turin, 1997. Accepted for the pubblication in the Journal of Logic and Computation.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, and A. Martelli. A Tableau Calculus for Multimodal Logics and some (Un)Decidability Results. In Proc. of the International Conference on Tableaux Related Methods, TABLEAUX'98, 1998. To appear.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and V. Patti. An Abductive Procedure for Reasoning about Actions in Modal Logic Programming. In J. Dix, L. M. Pereira, and T. C. Przymusinski, editors, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Extentions of Logic Programming, NMELP'96, volume 1216 of LNAI, pages 132--150. Springer-Verlag, 1997.

M. Baldoni, L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and V. Patti. A Modal Programming Language for Representing Complex Actions. Submitted, 1998.

P. Bonatti, M. L. Sapino, and V. S. Subrahmanian. Merging Heterogeneous Security Orderings. Journal of Computer Security, 5(1):3--29, 1997. Preliminary version in Proc. ESORICS'96, 183-197, LNCS 1146, Springer Verlag, 1996.

P. A. Bonatti. Autoepistemic logic programming. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 13:35--67, 1994.

P. A. Bonatti. Sequent calculi for default and autoepistemic logics. In Proc. TABLEAUX'96, volume 1071 of LNAI, pages 127--142. Springer Verlag, 1996.

P. A. Bonatti. Resolution for skeptical stable semantics. In Proc. Logic Programming and Non Monotonic Reasoning, LPNMR'97, volume 1265 of LNAI, pages 185--197. Springer Verlag, 1997.

P. A. Bonatti and N. Olivetti. A sequent calculus for skeptical default logic. In Proc. TABLEAUX'97, volume 1227 of LNAI, pages 107--121. Springer Verlag, 1997.

P. A. Bonatti and N. Olivetti. A sequent calculus for circumscription. In Preliminary Proc. CSL'97, volume NS-97-1 of BRICS Notes Series, pages 95--107, Aug 1997.

D. M. Gabbay, L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and N. Olivetti. Hypothetical updates, priority and inconsistency in a logic programming language. In V. W. Marek, A. Nerode, and M. Truszczynsky, editors, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, volume 928 of LNCS, pages 203--216, Lexington, KY, USA, 1995. Springer-Verlag.

D. M. Gabbay, L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and N. Olivetti. A language for handling hypothetical updates and inconsistency. J. of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logic, 4(3):385--416, 1996.

D. M. Gabbay and N. Olivetti. Goal-Directed Algorithmic Proof Theory. Technical report, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, 1996. Book draft.

D. M. Gabbay and N. Olivetti. Algorithmic proof methods and cut elimination for implicational logics - Part i, modal implication. Studia Logica, 1998. To appear.

L. Giordano and A. Martelli. On Cumulative Defaults Logics. Artificial Intelligence, 66:161--179, 1994.

L. Giordano and A. Martelli. Structuring Logic Programs: a Modal Approach. J. of Logic Programming, 21(2):59--94, 1994.

L. Giordano and A. Martelli. A Logical Characterization for Truth Maintenance Systems with Dependency-Directed Backtracking. Computational Intelligence, 11(1):11--46, 1995.

L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and G. F. Rossi. Extending Horn Clause Logic with Implication Goals. Theoretical Computer Science, 95:43--74, 1992.

L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and M. L. Sapino. Extending Negation as Failure by Abduction: a 3-valued Stable Model Semantics. Journal of Logic Programming, 26(1), 1995.

L. Giordano, A. Martelli, and C. Schwind. Ramification and causality in a modal action logic. Submitted., 1997.

D. Mundici and N. Olivetti. Resolution and model building in the infinite-valued calculus of lukasiewicz. Accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science.

N. Olivetti. Tableaux and Sequent Calculus for Minimal Entailment. J. of Automated Reasoning, 9:99--139, 1992.

N. Olivetti. Algorithmic Proof Theory for non-classical and modal logics. PhD thesis, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino, April 1995.

Matteo Baldoni
Mon Jan 26 18:45:29 MET 1998