- Basili R., Bosco C., Delmonte R., Moschitti A., Simi M. editors (in press) Harmonization and development
of resources and tools for Italian Natural Language Processing within the PARLI project, LNCS, Springer
- Simi M., Montemagni S., Bosco C. (in press) "Harmonizing and Merging Italian Treebanks: Towards a
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PARLI project, LNCS, Springer Verlag
- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C. (in press) "PartTUT: The Turin University Parallel Treebank". In Basili, Bosco,
Delmonte, Moschitti, Simi (editors) Harmonization and development of resources and tools for Italian Natural
Language Processing within the PARLI project, LNCS, Springer Verlag
- Alicante A., Bosco C., Corazza A., Lavelli A. (in press) "Evaluating Italian parsing across syntactic
formalisms and annotation schemes". In Basili, Bosco, Delmonte, Moschitti, Simi (editors) Harmonization and
development of resources and tools for Italian Natural Language Processing within the PARLI project, LNCS,
Springer Verlag
- Bosco C., Cosi P., Dell’Orletta F., Falcone M., Montemagni S., Simi M. editors (2014) Proceedings of
EVALITA, Pisa University Press
- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C., Cupi L. (2014) "Exploiting catenae in a parallel treebank alignment". In:
Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavik
- Simi M., Bosco C., Montemagni S. (2014) "Less is More? Towards a Reduced Inventory of Categories for
Training a Parser for the Italian Stanford Dependencies". In: Proceedings of LREC 2014, Reykjavik
- Bosco C., Allisio L., Mussa V., Patti V., Ruffo G. (2014) "Twitter-based Sentiment Analysis and Sentiment
Visualization in Felicittà. In Proceedings of ES³LOD 2014, Reykjavik
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- Sanguinetti M., Sulis E., Patti V., Ruffo G., Allisio L., Mussa V., Bosco C. (2014) "Developing corpora and
tools for sentiment analysis: the experience of the University of Turin group". In Proceedings of CLiC-it 2014,
- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C. (2014) "Converting the parallel treebank ParTUT in Universal Stanford
Dependencies". In Proceedings of CLiC-it 2014, Pisa
- Bosco C., Sanguinetti M. (2014) "Towards a Universal Stanford Dependencies parallel treebank". In
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- Bosco C., Patti V., Bolioli A. (2013) "Developing corpora for sentiment analysis and opinion mining:
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- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C. (2012) Translational divergences and their alignment in a parallel
multilingual treebank. In: Proceedings of TLT11, Lisbona
- Bosco C., Mazzei A. (2012) The EVALITA Dependency Parsing Task: from 2007 to 2011.
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Tools for Italian - Proceedings of Evalita 2011". LNCS/LNAI, Springer-Verlag
- Bosco C., Mazzei A., Lavelli A. (2012) Looking back to the EVALITA Constituency Parsing
Task: 2007-2011. In: Magnini B., Cutugno F., Falcone M., Pi anta E. (eds) "Evaluation of Natural
Language and Speech Tools for Italian - Proceedings of Evalita 2011". LNCS/LNAI, Springer-Verlag
- Bosco C., Montemagni S., Simi M. (2012) Harmonization and Merging of two Italian Dependency
Treebanks. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resource Merging, Istambul
- Mazzei A., Bosco C. (2012) Simple Parser Combination. In: Proceedings of SPLeT-2012, Istambul
- Gianti A., Bosco C., Patti V., Bolioli A., Di Caro L. (2012) Annotating Irony in a Novel Italian Corpus
for Sentiment Analysis. In: Proceedings of ES³ 2012, Istambul
- Bosco C., Sanguinetti M., Lesmo L. (2012) The Parallel-TUT: a multilingual and multiformat
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- Alicante A., Bosco C., Corazza A., Lavelli A. (2012) A treebank-based study on the influence of
Italian word order on parsing performance. In: Proceedings of LREC 2012, Istambul
- Bosco C., Mazzei A. (2012) The Evalita 2011 Parsing Task: the Dependency Track. In:
Working Notes of EVALITA 2011
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- Sanguinetti M., Bosco C. (2011) Building the multilingual TUT parallel treebankIn Proceedings of
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and data-bases. TÜBINGEN: Gunter Narr Verlag.
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Simi M., Lavelli, Hall J., Nilsson J., Nivre J. (2010) Comparing the Influence of Different Treebank Annotations
on Dependency Parsing. In: Proceedings of LREC 2010, Malta
- Bosco C., Mazzei A., Lombardo V. (2009) Evalita'09 Parsing Task: constituency parsers and the
Penn format for Italian. In: Proceedings of Evalita 09, Reggio Emilia
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Parsing Task: comparing dependency parsers and treebanks. In: Proceedings of Evalita 09, Reggio Emilia
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modelli tecnologici di ricerca, Bulzoni, Roma, Vol.: SLI 51.
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Comparing Italian parsers on a common treebank: the Evalita experience. In: Proceedings of LREC 2008
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Toral A., Bartalesi Lenzi V., Sprugnoli R., Speranza M. (2008). Evaluation of Natural Language Tools for
Italian: EVALITA 2007. In: Proceedings of LREC 2008
- Bazzanella C., Bosco C., Gili Fivela B., Miecznikowski J., Tini Brunozzi F. (2008) Polifunzionalità dei
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e tipi di testo. In Aspetti linguistici della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale, Guerra.
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'allora', French 'alors': functions, convergences, and divergences. Catalan Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 6,
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Italian: temporal pragmatic markers and the case of 'allora'In C.D. Pusch and W. Raible (editors), Corpora
and historical linguistics. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag.
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agli esiti nelle lingue romanze: verso una configurazione pragmatica complessiva. In Cuadernos
de Filologia Italiana, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
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- Bosco C., Lombardo V., (2003) A relation-based schema for treebank annotation. In A. Cappelli,
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- Bazzanella C., Bosco C., (2002) Contextualization in spoken language corpora In C.D. Pusch and W.
Raible (editors), Romanistische Korpuslingustik. Korpora und gesprochene Sprache / Romance Corpus
Linguistics. Corpora and Spoken Language. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag.
- Bazzanella C., Bosco C., (2001) Multimodalità e contesto. In Atti del convegno Multimodalità e
Multimedialità nella Comunicazione: XI Giornate di Studio del Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale -
Università di Padova, Padova.
- Bosco C., Bazzanella C., (2001) Context and multi-media corpora. In V. Akman, P. Bouquet, R.
Thomason, R. Young (editors) Modeling and using context LNCS 2116, Springer, Berlin.
- Bosco C., (2001) Grammatical relation's system in treebank annotation. In Proceedings of Student
Research Workshop of Joint ACL/EACL Meeting, Toulose, France.
- Bosco C., (2000) A richer annotation schema for an Italian treebank. In Proceedings of European
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Annotation Schema. In Proceedings of LREC 2000, Athens, Greece.
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deliverable del progetto Agenti Intelligenti: interazione e acquisizione di conoscenza (sottoarea:
Knowledge Acquisition)