icona publicationsPublications

Updated list: Cristina Gena @DBLP | @Google Scholar | @Scopus | Researchgate | Academia


International Journals

  1. Antonio Lieto, Manuel Striani, Cristina Gena, Enrico Dolza, Anna Maria Marras, Gian Luca Pozzato & Rossana Damiano (2023) 
    A sensemaking system for grouping and suggesting stories from multiple affective viewpoints in museums, Human–Computer Interaction,  DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2023.2242355
  2. Rossi, S., Staffa, M., de Graaf, M. M., & Gena, C. (2023).
    Preface to the special issue on personalization and adaptation in human–robot interactive communicationUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 1-6
  3. Melonio, A., De Marsico, M., Gena, C., Gennari, R.
    Special Issue on New Frontiers in Multimedia-Based and Multimodal HCIMultimed Tools Appl 82, 12747–12750 (2023).
  4. Gena C, Hilviu D, Chiarion G, Roatta S, Bosco FM, Calvo A, Mattutino C, Vincenzi S.
    The BciAi4SLA Project: Towards a User-Centered BCIElectronics. 2023; 12(5):1234, https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/12/5/1234
  5. F Cena, C Gena, T Kuflik, F Vernero,
    Introduction to the special issue on the impact of interface design for soliciting user’s feedback, (2022) Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-3,
  6. Brunetti D, Gena C, Vernero F. Smart Interactive Technologies in the Human-Centric Factory 5.0: A SurveyApplied Sciences. 2022; 12(16):7965. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12167965
  7. Cena, F., Gena, C., Mensa, E., Vernero, F., Modelling user reactions expressed through graphical widgets in intelligent interactive systems, (2021) Behaviour and Information Technology.
  8. R. Burke, C.Gena, T, Kuflik, I. Torre, Virtual ACM UMAP 2020: the 28th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, in  ACM SIGWEB Newsletter (2021)
  9. Gena, C., Grillo, P., Lieto, A., Mattutino, C., Vernero, F., When personalization is not an option: An in-the-wild study on persuasive news recommendation, (2019) Information (Switzerland), 10 (10), art. no. 300, DOI: 10.3390/info10100300.
  10. Rossana Damiano, Cristina Gena, Giulia Venturini: Testing web-based solutions for improving reading tasks in dyslexic and neuro-typical users. Multimedia Tools Appl. 78(10): 13489-13515 (2019)
  11. Fabio Gasparetti, Giuseppe Sansonetti, Alessandro Micarelli, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Enhancing Cultural Recommendations through Social and Linked Open Data, User Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionVolume 29, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 121-159
  12.  Berardina De Carolis, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik, Joel Lanir: Special issue on advanced interfaces for cultural heritage. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 114: 1-2 (2018)
  13. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, G. J. Houben, Markus Strohmaier: Introduction to the Special Issue on Big Personal Data in Interactive Intelligent Systems. TiiS 7(2): 6:1-6:5 (2017)
  14. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Pierluigi Grillo, Tsvi Kuflik, Fabiana Vernero & Alan J. Wecker
    How scales influence user rating behaviour in recommender systems
    Behaviour & Information Technology; 2017, doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2017.1322145
  15. Amon Rapp, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Alessandro Marcengo, Luca Console
    Using game mechanics for field evaluation of prototype social applications: a novel methodology
    Behaviour & Information Technology, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2015.1046931
  16. Berardina De Carolis, Cristina Gena: Artificial intelligence for human computer interaction. Intelligenza Artificiale 8(2), 2014, ISSN 1724-8035, DOI: 10.3233/IA-140067, pp. 113-114
  17. Jameson, A., Berendt, B., Gabrielli, S., Gena, C., Cena, F., Vernero, F., & Reinecke, K. (2014). Choice architecture for human-computer interaction. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 7(1-2), ISSN        1551-3955, DOI: 10.1561/1100000028, pp. 1-235.
  18. Luciana Bordoni, Liliana Ardissono, Juan A. Barceló, Antonio Chella, Marco de Gemmis, Cristina Gena, Leo Iaquinta, Paquale Lops, Francesco Mele, Cataldo Musto, Fedelucio Narducci, Giovanni Semeraro,, Antonio Sorgente.
The contribution of AI to enhance understanding of Cultural Heritage
 Intelligenza Artificiale 7(2), 2013, ISSN 1724-8035, DOI: 10.3233/IA-130052, pp. 101-112
  19. Damiano, R., Gena, C., Nunnari, F. Lombardo, V.
Leveraging the social components of executable environments for learning, 
Journal of Expert Systems. ISSN 0266-4720, DOI: 10.1111/exsy.12044, Online First (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/exsy.12044/abstract), 2013
  20. Luca Console, Fabrizio Antonelli, Giulia Biamino, Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Elisa Chiabrando, Vincenzo Cuciti, Matteo Demichelis, Franco Fassio, Fabrizio Franceschi, Roberto Furnari, Cristina Gena, Marina Geymonat, Piercarlo Grimaldi, Pierluigi Grillo, Silvia Likavec, Ilaria Lombardi, Dario Mana, Alessandro Marcengo, Michele Mioli, Mario Mirabelli, Monica Perrero, Claudia Picardi, Federica Protti, Amon Rapp, Rossana Simeoni, Daniele Theseider Dupré, Ilaria Torre, Andrea Toso, Fabio Torta, Fabiana Vernero
    Interacting with social networks of intelligent things and people in the world of gastronomy
    ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), 3(1): 4 (2013), ISSN   2160-6455, DOI: ISSN 0266-4720, pp 1-38
  21. Cristina Gena, Federica Cena, Fabiana Vernero, Pierluigi Grillo: 
    The evaluation of a social adaptive website for cultural events. 
    User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 23(2-3), 2013, ISSN: 0924-1868, doi: 10.1007/s11257-012-9129-9, pp. 89-137
  22.  Carmagnola, Francesca, Cena, Federica, Gena, Cristina
    User model interoperability: a survey
    User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Springer Netherlands, Issn: 0924-1868, Doi: 10.1007/s11257-011-9097-5, pp. 285-331

  23. R.Damiano, C.Gena, V.Lombardo, F.Nunnari, A.Pizzo
    A stroll with Carletto. Adaptation in drama-based, interactive tours with virtual characters
    User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 18(5): 2008, ISSN: 0924-1868, doi: 10.1007/s11257-008-9053-1, pp. 417-453
  24. F.Carmagnola, F.Cena, L.Console, O.Cortassa C.Gena, A.Goy, I.Torre, A.Toso, F.Vernero
    Tag-based User Modeling for Social Multi-Device Adaptive Guides
    User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 18(5): 2008, ISSN: 0924-1868, doi: 10.1007/s11257-008-9052-2, pp. 497-538
  25. Nunnari, F., Lombardo, V., Damiano, R., Pizzo, A., and Gena, C.
    The canonical processes of a dramatized approach to information presentation
    Multimedia Syst. 14(6): 2008, ISSN: 0942-4962, doi: 10.1007/s00530-008-0137-x, pp. 385-393
  26. Cena, F., Console, L., Gena, C., Goy, A., Levi, G., Modeo, S., Torre, I. 
    Integrating heterogeneous adaptation techniques to build a flexible and usable mobile tourist guide
    AI Commun. 19 (4): 2006, ISSN: 0921-7126, pp. 369-384
  27. Gena, C. 
    Methods and techniques for the evaluation of user-adaptive systems
    Knowl. Eng. Rev.
     20, 1, 2005, ISSN: 0269-8889, doi: 10.1017/S0269888905000299, pp. 1-37
  28. Cristina Gena and Ilaria Torre
    The Importance of Adaptivity to Provide On-Board Services. A Preliminary Evaluation of an Adaptive Tourist Information Service on Board Vehicles.
    Special Issue on Mobile A.I. in Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal 18 (6), 2004, ISSN: 0883-9514, doi: 10.1080/08839510490463442, pp. 549-580


Lecture Notes and International Conferences

  1. Cristina Gena, Francesca Manini, Antonio Lieto, Alberto Lillo, Fabiana Vernero,
    Can empathy affect the attribution of mental states to robots?
    Accepted as long paper 25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (9-13 October 2023) 
  2. Alessia Aniceto, Cristina Gena, and Fabiana Vernero. 2023
    The influence of user personality and rating scale features on rating behaviour: an empirical study. In Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 25, 1–8.
  3. Davide D'Adamo, Emiliano Robert, Cristina Gena, and Silvestro Roatta.
    Novel BCI paradigm for ALS patients based on EEG and Pupillary Accommodative Response. In Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 29, 1–5. 
  4. Margherita Andrao, Fabrizio Balducci, Bernardo Breve, Federica Cena, Giuseppe Desolda, Vincenzo Deufemia, Cristina Gena, Maristella Matera, Andrea Mattioli, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, Barbara Treccani, Fabiana Vernero, Massimo Zancanaro:
    Understanding Concepts, Methods and Tools for End-User Control of Automations in Ecosystems of Smart Objects and Services. IS-EUD 2023: 104-124, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13917. Springer
  5. Cristina Gena, Rossana Damiano, Claudio Mattutino, Alessandro Mazzei, Stefania Brighenti, Matteo Nazzario, Andrea Meirone, Camilla Quarato, Elisabetta Miraglio, Giulia Ricciardiello, Francesco Petriglia, Federica Liscio, Giuseppe Piccinni, Loredana Mazzotta, Cesare Pecone, Valeria Ricci:
    Ontologies and Open Data for Enriching Personalized Social Moments in Human Robot Interaction. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '22 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA 151-154
  6. Cristina Gena, Alberto Lillo, Claudio Mattutino, Enrico Mosca:
    Wolly: an affective and adaptive educational robot. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '22 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA: 146-150 
  7. Daniel Macis, Sara Perilli, Cristina Gena:
    Employing Socially Assistive Robots in Elderly Care. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '22 Adjunct). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA: 130-138 
  8. Sara Capecchi, Cristina Gena, and Ilaria Lombardi. 2022. Visual and unplugged coding with smart toys. In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2022), June 6–10, 2022, Frascati, Rome, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages (to appear)
  9. Fabio Gasparetti, Cristina Gena, Giuseppe Sansonetti, and Marko Tkalcic. 2022. SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE) 2022. In 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces(IUI '22 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 13–15.
  10. Hilviu, D.; Vincenzi, S.; Chiarion, G.; Mattutino, C.; Roatta, S.; Calvo, A.; Bosco, F. and Gena, C. (2021). Endogenous Cognitive Tasks for Brain-Computer Interface: A Mini-Review and a New Proposal. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications - CHIRA, ISBN 978-989-758-538-8; ISSN 2184-3244, pages 174-180. DOI: 10.5220/0010661500003060
  11. Ardissono, Liliana; Gena, Cristina; Kuflik, Tsvika; Mauro, Noemi; E. Raptis, George E; Wecker, Alan; International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage, Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization,184-185,2021
  12. Agrusti, Francesco; Gasparetti, Fabio; Gena, Cristina; Sansonetti, Giuseppe; Tkalcic, Marko; SOcial and Cultural IntegrAtion with PersonaLIZEd Interfaces (SOCIALIZE),26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,9-11,2021
  13. De Angeli, Antonella; Luca, Chittaro; Rosella, Gennari; De Marsico, Maria; Alessandra, Melonio; Gena, Cristina; De Russis, Luigi; Spano, Lucio Davide; CHItaly'21: CHItaly 2021: 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, 2021,ACM
  14. Gena, Cristina; Mattutino, Claudio; Maltese, Walter; Piazza, Giulio; Rizzello, Enrico; Nao_PRM: an interactive and affective simulator of the Nao robot, 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),727-734,2021,IEEE
  15. Gena, Cristina; Mattutino, Claudio; Cellie, Davide; Di Ninno, Franco; Mosca, Enrico; Teaching and learning educational robotics: An open source robot and its e-learning platform, FabLearn Europe/MakeEd 2021-An International Conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education,1-4,2021
  16. Andolina, Salvatore; Ariano, Paolo; Brunetti, Davide; Celadon, Nicolò; Coppo, Guido; Favetto, Alain; Gena, Cristina; Giordano, Sebastiano; Vernero, Fabiana; Introducing Gestural Interaction on the Shop Floor: Empirical Evaluations,IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,451-455,2021,Springer
  17. Davide Brunetti, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Enrico Mensa, Fabiana Vernero: A color map to compare reactions tools in interactive systems. AVI 2020: 70:1-70:3
  18. Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Gianluca Perosino, Massimo Trainito, Chiara Vaudano, Davide Cellie: Design and Development of a Social, Educational and Affective Robot. IEEE Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems 2020: 1-8
  19. Federico Benedetto, Davide Brunetti, Cristina Gena, Mirko Lai, Rosa Meo, Fabiana Vernero: Intelligent monitoring applications for Industry 4.0. IUI Companion 2020: 67-68
  20. Angeliki Antoniou, Berardina De Carolis, George Raptis, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik, Alan J. Dix, Antonio Origlia, George Lepouras: AVI2CH 2020: Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage. AVI 2020: 106:1-106:2
  21. Giuseppe Desolda, Vincenzo Deufemia, Cristina Gena, Maristella Matera, Fabio Paternò, Barbara Treccani: EMPATHY: Empowering People in Dealing with Internet of Things Ecosystems (Workshop). AVI 2020: 107:1
  22. Berardina De Carolis, Cristina Gena, Antonio Lieto, Silvia Rossi, Alessandra Sciutti: Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR). IUI Companion 2020: 3-4
  23. Salvatore Andolina, Paolo Ariano, Davide Brunetti, Nicolo Celadon, Guido Coppo, Alain Favetto, Cristina Gena, Sebastiano Giordano, Fabiana Vernero: Experimenting with Large Displays and Gestural Interaction in the Smart Factory, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2019, Bari, Italy, pp. 1-6
  24. Valerio Cietto, Riccardo Pasteris, Stefano Locci, Simone Serra, Claudio Mattutino, Cristina Gena: Evaluating commercial BCIs for moving robots. CHItaly 2019: 12:1-12:4
  25. Gianluca Bova, Davide Cellie, Cristina Gioia, Fabiana Vernero, Claudio Mattutino, Cristina Gena: End-User Development for the Wolly Robot. IS-EUD 2019: 221-224
  26. Vladimir Guchev, Federica Cena, Fabiana Vernero, Cristina Gena: Visual Annotations for Hybrid Graph-based User Model. UMAP 2019: 31-35
  27. Valerio Cietto, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Lombardi, Claudio Mattutino, Chiara Vaudano: Co-designing with kids an educational robot. ARSO 2018: 139-140
  28. Vladimir Guchev, Paolo Buono, Cristina Gena: Towards intelligible graph data visualization using circular layout. AVI 2018: 63:1-63:3
  29. Gianni Forlastro, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Chiesa, Valerio Cietto: IoT for the circular economy: the case of a mobile set for video-makers. MobileHCI Adjunct 2018: 95-102
  30. Giulia Venturini, Cristina Gena: Testing web-based solutions for improving reading tasks in students with dyslexia. CHItaly 2017: 12:1-12:8
  31. Vladimir Guchev, Cristina Gena: Sketch-Based Interactions for Untangling of Force-Directed Graphs. IV 2017: 288-291
  32. Cristina Gena, Berardina De Carolis, Tsvi Kuflik, Fabrizio Nunnari: Advanced Visual Interfaces for Cultural Heritage. AVI 2016: 360-362
  33. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik: Mobile access to cultural heritage: mobile-CH 2016. MobileHCI Adjunct 2016: 960-963
  34. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Claudia Picardi: An Experimental Study in Cross-Representation Mediation of User Models. UMAP 2016: 289-290
  35. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Lora Aroyo, Tsvika Kuflik, Alan J. Wecker, Johan Oomen, Oliviero Stock: PATCH 2015: Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage. IUI 2015: 447-449
  36. Johan Oomen, Lora Aroyo, Cristina Gena, Alan J. Wecker: Personalized access to cultural heritage (PATCH2014): the future of experiencing cultural heritage. IUI Companion 2014: 47-48
  37. Rapp, A; Gena, C.: Immersion and involvement in a 3D training environment: Experimenting different points of view.  Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.18-23
  38. Johan Oomen, Lora Aroyo, Cristina Gena, Alan J. Wecker: Personalized access to cultural heritage (PATCH2014): the future of experiencing cultural heritage. IUI (Intelligent User Interface) Companion 2014: 47-48
  39. Rossana Damiano, Cristina Gena, Vincenzo Lombardo, Fabrizio Nunnari
    Leveraging Web 3D guidance in cultural heritage fruition.
    CHItaly 2013: 1-10
  40. Luca Console, Giulia Biamino, Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Elisa Chiabrando, Roberto Furnari, Cristina Gena, Pierluigi Grillo, Silvia Likavec, Ilaria Lombardi, Michele Mioli, Claudia Picardi, Daniele Theseider Dupré, Fabiana Vernero, Rossana Simeoni, Fabrizio Antonelli, Vincenzo Cuciti, Matteo Demichelis, Fabrizio Franceschi, Marina Geymonat, Alessandro Marcengo, Dario Mana, Mario Mirabelli, Monica Perrero, Amon Rapp, Franco Fassio, Piercarlo Grimaldi, Fabio Torta
    WantEat: interacting with social networks of smart objects for sharing cultural heritage and supporting sustainability.
    ECAI 2012: 1005-1006
  41. Fabrizio Antonelli, Giulia Biamino, Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Elisa Chiabrando, Luca Console, Vincenzo Cuciti, Matteo Demichelis, Franco Fassio, Fabrizio Franceschi, Roberto Furnari, Cristina Gena, Marina Geymonat, Piercarlo Grimaldi, Pierluigi Grillo, Elena Guercio, Silvia Likavec, Ilaria Lombardi, Dario Mana, Alessandro Marcengo, Michele Mioli, Mario Mirabelli, Monica Perrero, Claudia Picardi, Federica Protti, Amon Rapp, Roberta Sandon, Rossana Simeoni, Daniele Theseider Dupré, Ilaria Torre, Andrea Toso, Fabio Torta, Fabiana Vernero
    Wheeling around with Wanteat: exploring mixed social networks in the gastronomy domain.
    IUI 2012: 321-322
  42. Tsvi Kuflik, Alan J. Wecker, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena
    Evaluating Rating Scales Personality.
    UMAP 2012: 310-315
  43. Rossana Damiano, Vincenzo Lombardo, Cristina Gena, Fabrizio Nunnari
    Guidance for web 3D in cultural heritage dissemination.
    Web3D 2012: 186
  44. Rossana Damiano, Cristina Gena, Vincenzo Lombardo, Fabrizio Nunnari, Alessandra Suppini, Andrea Crevola
    150 Digit. Integrating 3D Visit and Social Functions into a Web 3.0 Learning-Oriented Approach.
    BWCCA 2011: 136-143
  45. Anthony Jameson, Silvia Gabrielli, Per Ola Kristensson, Katharina Reinecke, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Fabiana Vernero
    How can we support users' preferential choice?
    CHI Extended Abstracts 2011: 409-418
  46. Cristina Gena, Roberto Brogi, Federica Cena, Fabiana Vernero
    The Impact of Rating Scales on User's Rating Behavior.
    UMAP 2011: 123-134
  47. Federica Cena, Fabiana Vernero, Cristina Gena
    Towards a Customization of Rating Scales in Adaptive Systems
    UMAP 2010: 369-374
  48. Menczer, F. and Cattuto, C. and Ruffo, G. and Brusilovsky, P. and Gena, C. and Hotho, A. and Loreto, V. and Bernstein, M. and Pizzo, A.:
    Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, HT'09: Foreword.
    ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2009, III-IV
  49. 7. Rossano Schifanella, André Panisson, Cristina Gena, Giancarlo Ruffo
    MobHinter: epidemic collaborative filtering and self-organization in mobile ad-hoc networks.
    Proceedings of the 2008 {ACM} Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23-25, 2008, pp. 27-34
  50. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Omar Cortassa, Cristina Gena, Yiwen Wang, Natalia Stash and Lora Aroyo
    RSS-based Interoperability for User Adaptive Systems.
    AH 2008: 353-356
  51. Federica Cena, Francesca Carmagnola, Omar Cortassa, Cristina Gena, Yiwen Wang, Natalia Stash and Lora Aroyo
    Tag Interoperability in Cultural Web-based Applications.
    Hypertext 2008: 221-222
  52. Carcillo, F., Carmagnola, F., Cena, F., Console, L., Cortassa, O, Gena, C., Goy, A., Marcellin, L., Torre, I., Toso, A., Vernero, F.
    iCITY - A social adaptive multi-device recommender guide.
    In the proceedings of The eChallenges e-2007 Conference, the seventeenth annual technology research conferences supported by the European Commission, The Hague (Den Haag), 1-3 October 2007
  53. Carmagnola, F., Cena, F., Gena C.
    User Modeling in the Social Web
    KES (3) 2007: 745-752
  54. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Omar Cortassa, Cristina Gena, and Ilaria Torre
    Towards a tag-based user model: how can user model benefit from tags?
    User Modeling 2007: 445-449
  55. Cristina Gena and Stephan Weibelzahl
    Usability Engineering for the Adaptive Web
    The Adaptive Web 2007: 720-762
  56. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    UbiquiTo-S: a Semantic Adaptive Web Service
    AH 2006: 249-253
  57. Luca Buriano, Marco Marchetti, Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre:
    The Role of Ontologies in Context-Aware Recommender Systems.
    MDM 2006: 80
  58. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    A multidimensional framework for the representation of ontologies in adaptive hypermedia systems.
    AI*IA 2005: 370-380
  59. Cena, F., Gena, C., Modeo, S.
    How to communicate recommendations? Evaluation of an adaptive annotation technique.
    INTERACT 2005: 1030-1033
  60. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems.
    IJCAI 2005: 1551-1552,  pdf.
  61. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    A Semantic Framework for Adaptive web-based Systems.
    SWAP 2005
  62. Ilaria Amendola, Federica Cena, Luca Console, Andrea Crevola, Cristina Gena, Anna Goy, Sonia Modeo, Monica Perrero, Ilaria Torre, Andrea Toso
    UbiquiTO: a Multi-Device Adaptive Guide
    Mobile HCI 2004: 409-414
  63. Cristina Gena and Liliana Ardissono
    Intelligent Support to the Retrieval of Information about Hydric Resources
    In the Proc. of the Adaptive Hypermedia Conference 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2004,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  64. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Pietro Torasso, Fabio Bellifemine, Alessandro Chiarotto, Angelo Difino, Barbara Negro
    Personalized Recommendation of TV Programs
    AI*IA 2003: 474-486
  65. Cristina Gena
    An empirical evaluation of an adaptive web site
    Proc. Of The Sixth Acm Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2002), ACM Press, 2002, pp. 192-193
  66. Cristina Gena, Amedeo Perna and Massimiliano Ravazzi
    E-tool: a personalized prototype for web based applications
    Proceedings Of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2001, Shaker Publishing, 2002, pp. 485-496
  67. Cristina Gena
    Designing TV Viewer Stereotypes for an Electronic Program Guide
    User Modeling 2001: 274-276

Book and Chapters in Books

  1. Cristina Gena, Davide Cellie, Chiara Vaudano, Co-progettare e realizzare un robot educativo open source, in La società dei robot, a cura di Renato Grimaldi, Mondadori, 2022, ISBN: 9791220600132. Pagine inedite, non pubblicate sul capidolo del libro, unpublished pages: Co-Design and implementation of an open-source 3D printed robot
  2. Andrea Crevola e Cristina Gena
    Web Design: la progettazione centrata sull'utente.
    Città Studi Edizioni, 2006
  3. Cristina Gena and Liliana Ardissono
    Cognitively Informed Systems: utilizing practical approaches to enrich information presentation and transfer. Eshaa M. Alkhalifa (Ed.), pp. 141-164, © IGI Idea Group publishing, 2006. ISBN: 1-59140-842-3
  4. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Pietro Torasso, Fabio Bellifemine, Alessandro Chiarotto, Angelo Difino, Barbara Negro
    Personalized Digital Television. Targeting programs to individual users. L. Ardissono, A. Kobsa and M. Maybury editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004

Workshops, Symposia, Poster Sessions

  1. Rossana Damiano, Cristina Gena, Andrea Maieli, Claudio Mattutino, Alessandro Mazzei, Elisabetta Miraglio, Giulia Ricciardiello: UX Personas for Defining Robot's Character and Personality 213-216. IUI Workshops 2022: 213-216
  2. Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Enrico Mosca, Alberto Lillo, An end-user coding-based environment for programming an educational affective robot, Workshop on Participatory Design and End-User Programming for Human-Robot Interaction at HRI 2022
  3. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Michele Mioli, Antonio Moreno, Fabiana Vernero: Supporting configuration choices in smart environments through personalized recommendations. EMPATHY@INTERACT 2021: 23-27
  4. Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, Monica Bucciarelli, Sara Capecchi, Elena Gandolfi, Cristina Gena, Francesco Ianì, Elisa Marengo, Roberto Micalizio, Amon Rapp: Empowering AI competences in children: A training program based on simple playful activities. PSYCHOBIT 2021
  5. Nasrolahi, Ahmad; Gena, Cristina; Messina, Vito; Ejraei, Samet; Participatory Monitoring in Cultural Heritage Conservation: Case Study: The Landscape zone of the Bisotun World Heritage Site, Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization,186-188,2021
  6. Gena, Cristina; Mattutino, Claudio; Maieli, Andrea; Miraglio, Elisabetta; Ricciardiello, Giulia; Damiano, Rossana; Mazzei, Alessandro; Autistic Children's Mental Model of an Humanoid Robot,Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization,128-129,2021
  7. Gena, Cristina; Cena, Federica; Botta, Marco; Mattutino, Claudio; User modeling for social and affective robots, arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02513,,2021,
  8. Gena, Cristina; Mattutino, C; Brighenti, S; Meirone, A; Petriglia, F; Mazzotta, L; Liscio, F; Nazzario, M; Ricci, V; Quarato, C;  Sugar, Salt & Pepper-Humanoid robotics for autism,2021 Joint ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Workshops, ACMIUI-WS 2021,2903,,1-4,2021,CEUR-WS
  9. Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Davide Cellie and Enrico Mosca, Educational robotics for children and their teachers, Child-Robot Interaction workshop: Present and Future Relationships, the 12th International Conference on Social Robotics
  10. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Michele Mioli: ARSPO revisited: how to design adaptive recommender smart objects in EUD context. EMPATHY@AVI 2020: 1-6
  11. Ahmad Nasrolahi, Vito Messina, Cristina Gena: Public Participation in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites: iCommunity Mobile Application. AVI²CH@AVI 2020
  12. Cristina Gena, Federica Cena, Claudio Mattutino, Marco Botta: Cloud-based User Modeling for Social Robots: A First Attempt (short paper). cAESAR 2020: 1-6
  13. Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Stefania Brighenti, Matteo Nazzario: Social Assistive Robotics for Autistic Children (short paper). CAESAR 2020: 7-10
  14. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik, Noemi Mauro: UMAP PATCH 2019 Chairs' Welcome. UMAP (Adjunct Publication) 2019: 359-361
  15. Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Simone Pirani, Berardina De Carolis: Do BCIs Detect User's Engagement?: The Results of an Empirical Experiment with Emotional Artworks. UMAP (Adjunct Publication) 2019: 387-391
  16. Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik, Antonio Origlia, George E. Raptis: AVI-CH 2018: Advanced Visual Interfaces for Cultural Heritage. AVI 2018: 6:1-6:3
  17. Giovanni Forlastro, Cristina Gena, Claudio Mattutino, Elena Quiri, Rita Auriemma, Giuliano De Felice, Vito Santacesaria: Swiping in the Wild: An Evaluation in the Wild of a StorytellingApp for Children. AVI*CH 2018
  18. Liliana Ardissono, Cristina Gena, Tsvi Kuflik: UMAP 2017 PATCH 2017: Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage Organizers' Welcome. UMAP (Adjunct Publication) 2017: 317-319
  19. Paolo Bottoni, Cristina Gena, Andrea Giachetti, Samuel Aldo Iacolina, Fabio Sorrentino, Lucio Davide Spano: Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, Posters and Demos at CHItaly 2017 co-located with 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2017), Cagliari, Italy, September 18-20, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1910, CEUR-WS.org 2017
  20. Cristina Gena, Berardina De Carolis, Tsvi Kuflik, Fabrizio Nunnari: Advanced Visual Interface for Cultural Heritage. AVI*CH 2016: 1-4
  21. Amon Rapp, Federica Cena, Luca Console, Cristina Gena, Alessandro Marcengo: A Field Evaluation of an Intelligent Interaction Between People and a Territory and its Cultural Heritage. AVI*CH 2016: 11-14
  22. Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Claudia Picardi: An Experiment in Cross-Representation Mediation of User Models. UMAP (Extended Proceedings) 2016
  23. Berardina Nadja De Carolis, Cristina Gena:
    Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces: Artificial Intelligence meets Human Computer Interaction (AI*HCI 2013) A workshop of the XIII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), Turin, Italy, December 4, 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1125, CEUR-WS.org 2013
  24. F. Cena,E. Chiabrando,A. Crevola,M. Deplano,C. Gena,M. Perrero
    A Movie Timeline for a Movie Recommender. 
    AI*HCI workshop (AI*IA 2013), CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS. ISSN: 1613-0073.
  25. Federica Cena, Elisa Chiabrando, Andrea Crevola, Martina Deplano, Cristina Gena, Francesco Osborne
    A Proposal for an Open Local Movie Recommender
    UMAP Workshops 2013
  26. Luca Console, Giulia Biamino, Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Elisa Chiabrando, Roberto Furnari, Cristina Gena, Pierluigi Grillo, Silvia Likavec, Ilaria Lombardi, Michele Mioli, Claudia Picardi, Amon Rapp, Fabiana Vernero, Rossana Simeoni, Fabrizio Antonelli, Vincenzo Cuciti, Matteo Demichelis, Fabrizio Franceschi, Marina Geymonat, Alessandro Marcengo, Dario Mana, Mario Mirabelli, Monica Perrero, Federica Protti, Franco Fassio, Piercarlo Grimaldi, Fabio Torta
    WantEat: interacting with social networks of smart objects for sharing and promoting cultural heritage. 
    UMAP Workshops 2012
  27. Cristina Gena
    Leveraging social and semantic components in adaptive environments. 
    In UMAP 2012, Workshop and Poster Proceedings. Montreal, Canada, 16-20 luglio 2012, Aachen:CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073
  28. Fabiana Vernero, Alessandra Petromilli, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena (2009). 
    An Experiment to Evaluate how to Better Present User Models to the Users. 
    In: S. Weibelzahl, J. Masthoff, A. Paramythis, and L. van Velsen (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on User-Centred Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Systems. CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, vol. 462, p. 21-33, Aachen:CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN: 1613-0073, Trento, Italy, June 26th, 2009
  29. Yiwen Wang, Federica Cena, Francesca Carmagnola, Omar Cortassa, Cristina Gena, Natalia Stash and Lora Aroyo
    RSS-based Interoperability for Cross-System Recommendations
    Proceedings of the User Model Integration 2008 Workshop, hold in conjunction with AH2008, INT. CONF. ON ADAPTIVE HYPERMEDIA.
  30. Carmagnola F, Cena F, Cortassa, O, Gena C, Torre I.
    Towards a tag-based user model: how can user model benefit from tags?
    Proceedings of workshop “SociUM: adaptation and personalisation in Social Systems”, hold in conjunction with UM 2007, June 25-29, Corfu (Greek), https://www.iit.demokritos.gr/um2007/ws_SOCIUM.php
  31. Carmagnola F, Cena F, Cortassa, O, Gena C, Toso A.
    A preliminary step toward user model interoperability in the adaptive social web
    Proceedings of “UbiDeUm: Ubiquitous and Decentralized User Model”, hold in conjunction with UM 2007, June 25-29, Corfu (Greek), https://www.iit.demokritos.gr/um2007/ws_UBIDEUM.php
  32. Carmagnola F, Cena F, Gena C, Torre I. 
    Web Services and Semantic Web for Adaptive Systems
    Proceedings of “Ubiquitous User Modeling Workshop”, hold in conjunction with ECAI 2006. “the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence”, ISSN: 0944-7822 Aug. 28- 29, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italia, https://www.u2m.org/ubiqum2006/.
  33. Cristina Gena
    User-Centered Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Systems
    Proceedings of UCDEAS 2006.
  34. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    MUSE: A Multidimensional Semantic Environment for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. 
    LWA 2005, In: Proc. of Lernen, Wissensentdeckung und Adaptivität (LWA) 2005, ABIS 2005. vol. , p. 14-19, Saarbrücken :Mathias Bauer, Boris Brandherm, Johannes Fürnkranz, Gunter Grieser, Andreas Hotho, Andreas Jedlitschka, Alexander Kröner (Eds.), Saarbrücken, Germany, 10-12 Oct 2005,pp. 14-19
  35. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    A Semantic Framework for Adaptive web-based Systems.
    SWAP 2005, n: Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2005). CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, vol. , p. , Trento:CEUR, ISSN: 1613-0073, Trento, 14-16 Dec.
  36. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre
    A Multidimensional Approach for the Semantic Representation of Taxonomies and Rules in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems.
    Proceedings of the PerSWeb'05 workshop (UM 2005). 
  37. Cristina Gena and Maria Orfino
    Adaptive tourist suggestions for a commercial web site
    Proceedings of First International Workshop on "Engineering the Adaptive Web - EAW 2004", AH2004 
  38. Luca Console, Cristina Gena and Ilaria Torre
    Personalization and adaptation for on-board information system: a prototype and its evaluation
    Proceedings of HAAMAHA 2003, Pomel Tipografica, 2003
  39. Luca Console, Cristina Gena and Ilaria Torre
    Evaluation of an on-vehicle adaptive tourist service
    Proc. Of The UM 2003 Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, at the 9th International Conference on User Modeling (UM'2003), Johnstown, USA, 2003, pp. 51-60.
  40. Cristina Gena, Silvia Guberti and Marco Passarella
    Evaluating animated presentation agents for an adaptive web site
    Proc. Of The First European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS-2002), IOS Press, 2002, pp. 85-94
  41. Cristina Gena and Liliana Ardissono
    On the Construction of TV Viewer Stereotypes Starting from Lifestyles Surveys
    Proc. Of The UM2001 Workshop on Personalization in Future TV (TV'01), at the 8th International Conference on User Modeling (UM'2001), Sonthofen, Germany, 2001
  42. Cristina Gena, Amedeo Perna, Federica Cena, Roberta Morisano
    A personalized hypermedia application for web-based tools
    Proc. of the Posters and Demonstrations Session at the 12th ACM Conf. on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext 2001), Aarhus, Denmark, 2001, p. 28

National Conferences

  1. Amon Rapp, Cristina Gena
    Studying in Torino: involving students in designing a new web service
    Poster al Word Usability Day (WUD 2014), Torino 13 novembre 2014
  2. Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Luca Console, Omar Cortassa, Marta Ferri, Cristina Gena, Anna Goy, Mario Parena, Ilaria Torre, Andrea Toso, Fabiana Vernero, and Agnese Vellar
    iCITY– an adaptive social mobile guide for cultural events
    Proceedings of Mobile Guide 2006
  3. Cena, F., Console, L., Gena, C., Goy, A., Levi, G., Modeo, S., Torre, I.
    An adaptive tourist guide in mobile context.
    Proceedings of the Simposium on Human-Computer Interaction, HCITALY'2005
  4. Cristina Gena
    Evaluation methodologies and user involvement in user modeling and adaptive systems
    Proc. Of Simposium on Human-Computer Interaction, HCITALY'2003, RT75/2003, Torino, Italy, 2003, pp 74-78
