Ferruccio DAMIANI

Full professor, PhD
Coordinator of the MoVeRe research group
Department of Computer Science - University of Turin
[Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Torino]
Corso Svizzera 185, 10149 Torino, Italy
Visiting address: Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino, Italy icona mappa
Phone: +39 011 6706719   Fax: +39 011 751603   icona twitter

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Our SPLC 2010 paper Delta-Oriented Programming of Software Product Lines got the SPLC 2022 Most Influential Paper Award (photo).
The paper Extensible 3D Simulation of Aggregated Systems with FCPP (by Giorgio Audrito, Luigi Rapetta and Gianluca Torta) got the COORDINATION 2022 Best Artifact Award
We have a new project: PNRR NODES Spoke 1 Sustainable mobility and aerospace (2022-10-01 -2025-09-30).
Our paper Functional programming for distributed systems with XC got the ECOOP 2022 Disinguished Artifact Award (photo).
I got a Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding contributions to the development of: MPAI-AIF - Artificial Intelligence Framework Technical Specification V1.
We have a new project: I am responsible for the Ateneo/CSP "Bando ex post 2020" project NewEdge: New Design and Development Approach for Dependable Intelligent Edge Systems (2021/12/31 - 2023/12/31).
We have a new project: I am local responsible for the PRIN 2020 project COMMunity-OrieNted WEARrable Computing Systems (COMMON-WEARS) .
Andrea Borgarelli has been selected for admission to the CS@max planck doctoral program.
I am founding coordinator of the node at the University of Turin of the Embedded Systems & Smart Manufacturing national laboratory of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics (CINI).
Our paper Static Analysis of Featured Transition Systems got the SPLC 2019 Best Paper Award (photo).
Giorgio Audrito has been selected to participate in the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (September 22-27, 2019).
We have a new project: I am responsible for the Ateneo/CSP "Bando ex post 2018" project on Aggregate Programming (2019/03/01 - 2021/02/28).
Giorgio Audrito got the Ateneo/CSP grant ( "bando per l'internazionalizzazione della ricerca 2018" ) for Cooperation with the University of Iowa on Aggregate Programming (2019/04/01 - 2020/03/31).
We have a new project: HPC4AI (Regione Piemonte, INFRA_P): Turin’s centre in High-Performance Computing for Artificial Intelligence (2018-04-01, 24 months).
Our paper Optimally-Self-Healing Distributed Gradient Structures through Bounded Information Speed was selected as Best Paper of COORDINATION 2017 (photo).
Our paper A Formal Model of Multi SPLs got the Best Paper Award at FSEN 2017 (photo).
Our paper Self-Adaptation to Device Distribution Changes got the SASO 2016 Best Paper Award.
We have a new project: EC-COST Action CA15123 (2016/02/21 - 2020/03/20) EUTypes: The European research network on types for programming and verification (see also the page at the COST site).
We have a new project: I am responsible for the Ateneo/CSP "Bando 2014" Project RunVar: Evolving Distributed Software Systems at Runtime by Scalable Hybrid Variability (2015/07/01 - 2017/12/31).
HyVar is now part of the Software Engineering for Services and Applications Cluster of European Projects on Cloud.
We have a new project: I am local responsible for the EC H2020 RIA project HyVar: Scalable Hybrid Variability for Distributed Evolving Software Systems (2015/02/01 - 2018/01/31). See also the page at the CORDIS site.
We have a new project: I am MC Member of EC-COST Action IC1402 (2014/12/17 - 2018/12/16) ARVI: Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (see also the page at the COST site).
Our COORDINATION 2014 paper got the IFIP sponsored DisCoTec 2014 Best Paper Award.
We have a new project: I am local responsible for the POR FESR 2007/2013 project PIE_VERDE: Piattaforma Ibridi Elettrici. Veicoli E Reti di Distribuzione Ecosostenibili on platforms for green supply chains (2013 - 2015).
We have a new project: Ateneo/CSP Project SALT: Self-adaptive, Autonomic, Light Types.
We have a new project: MIUR PRIN 2010-2011 CINA: Compositionality, Interaction, Negotiation, Autonomicity for the future ICT society (2013 - 2016).
Our GPCE 2012 paper got the EAPLS GPCE/SLE 2012 Best Paper Award.
We have a new project: EC-COST Action IC1201 (2012 - 2016) BETTY: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (see also the page at the COST site).
We have a new project: I am responsible for the Italian site of the Language constructs and type systems for object oriented program components project (2009-01/01 - 2011/05/31) funded by the German-Italian University Centre (Vigoni program 2008-2009).
We have a new project: I am MC Member of EC-COST Action IC0701 (2008/03 - 2012/03) FoVeOOS: Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software (see also the page at the COST site).


  • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
  • BDVA (Big Data Value Association)
  • EAPLS (European Association for Programming Languages and Systems)
  • EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) and Italian Chapter of EATCS
  • ETAPS (European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software)
  • FME (Formal Methods Europe)
  • FSF (Free Software Foundation)
  • MPAI (Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence)
  • ADI (ITALIAN ONLY - Associazione Dottorandi e dottori di ricerca Italiani)
  • GRIN (ITALIAN ONLY - Associazione Italiana dei Docenti Universitari di Informatica)