Università di Torino

Research on "Formal Methods in Computing"

Subtyping in logical form

Ugo de' Liguoro

ABSTRACT. By using intersection types and filter models we formulate a theory of subtyping via a finitary programming logic. Types are interpreted as spaces of filters over a subset of the language of properties (the intersection types) which describes the underlying type free realizability structure. We show that such an interpretation coincides with a PER semantics, proving that the quotient space arising from ``logical'' PERs taken with the intrinsic ordering is isomorphic to the filter semantics of types. As a byproduct we obtain a semantic proof of soundness of the logic semantics of terms and equation of a typed lambda calculus with record subtyping.


   author    = {Ugo {de' Liguoro}},
   title     = {{Subtyping in logical form}},
   booktitle = {{ITRS'02}},
   year      = {2002},
   publisher = {Elsevier},
   series    = {ENTCS 70}

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Last update: Nov 08, 2002