icona teachingTeaching

Giulio Ferrero's courses and tutorial:

  • 2018-2021 - Teacher of the course “Computer Science (INT0639B)” of the Bachelor Degree Course in Biotechnology (L-2), University of Turin.
  • 2017-2021 - Teaching Assistant for the bioinformatic of the course “Advanced Molecular Biology (SVB0041)” of the Master Degree Course in Cellular and Molecular Biology (LM-6), University of Turin.

Past courses

  • 2015-2017 - Teaching Assistant for the R programming module of the course “Computer Processing of Experimental Data (MFN1306)” of the undergraduate Degree Course in Biology (L-13), University of Turin.
  • 2013-2015 - Teaching Assistant for the Bionformatic module of the course “Biomolecular Laboratory (MFN1294)” of the undergraduate Degree Course in Biology (L-13), University of Turin.