Università di Torino

Gian Luca Pozzato

In this page you will find some other works I've made during my career.

  Intelligent agents: the AgentSpeak(L) language and an implementation: Jason
  Wormhole routing for directly connected multicomputer systems
  Peer-to-peer search in Freenet
  TRIPLE: a query and inference language for the semantic web and an application: the Personal Reader

Intelligent agents: the AgentSpeak(L) language and an implementation: Jason

In this work I present AgentSpeak(L), a programming language for BDI agents introduced by Anand S. Rao in 1996. It is an extension of logic programming to support BDI agents.
I also present Jason, a Java implementation of AgentSpeak(L) introduced by Rafael H. Bordini and Jomi F. Hubner.

   AgentSpeak(L) & Jason: slides (in italian)
   AgentSpeak(L) & Jason: slides revised in February 2007 (in italian)

Wormhole routing for directly connected multicomputer systems
(with Livio Robaldo)

In this work we present a detailed survey of the most widely used switching techinique in parallel computers, the so-called wormhole routing.We present both deterministic and adaptive wormhole routing algorithms used in directly connected multicomputer systems.

   Wormhole routing: slides (in italian)

Peer-to-peer systems: searching in Freenet
(with Alessio Bottrighi, Davide D'Aprile, Rossano Schifanella, and Laura Torasso)

In this work we present an implementation of Freenet, a peer-to-peer system used to share files and documents introduced by Ian Clarke in 1999. Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous.
We give an implementation of searching a file in this system and a brief discussion on its main features.

   Implementazione ed analisi del sistema peer-to-peer Freenet (in italian)

TRIPLE: a query and inference language for the semantic web and an application: the Personal Reader

In this work I present TRIPLE, a query, inference, and transformation language for the Semantic Web, introduced by Sintek and Decker. TRIPLE is a layered and modular rule language based on Horn logic and used to transform RDF models.
TRIPLE is also used to implement the main features of the Personal Reader, an adaptive hypermedia system providing both local and global context adaptation.

   TRIPLE e il Personal Reader: slides (in italian)

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