Research on "Semantics and Logics of Computation"
"Semantics of programming languages" group
Member of the Steering Commitee of DICE
(Developments in
Implicit Computational Complexity), from 2009
Member of the Steering Commitee of LCC (Logic and
Computational Complexity), from 2009
Member of the Scientific Board of EACSL (European Association
for Computer Science Logic), from 2009
Member of the Steering Committee of TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculus
and Applications), from 2007.
Member of the Association Board of AILA (Italian Association
of Logic and Applications), 2000-2006.
Member of the
Accademy of Sciences of Turin (Accademia
delle Scienze di Torino), from 2001.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Interuniversity
Center for Peace Studies (Centro Interateneo di Studi per la Pace),
from 2000.
Member of the Organizing Committee of LICS
(Logic in Computer Science), 1992-2003.
Member of EATCS (European
Association of Theoretical Computer Science)
and of the Italian Chapter of
Short professional CV RESEARCH:
Leader of the research group "Semantics of Programming Languages",
inside the research group "Semantics and Logics of Computations"
- Research interests:
- Logic in computer science
- Type theories
- Functional programming languages
- Semantics of programming languages
- Lambda-calculus
- Linear Logic and Implicit Computational Complexity
- Editorial job:
- Research
- Research Projects:
- Former Research Projects:
- Recent Past Conferences:
- TLCA'07, LSFA'07,
- LSFA'09, ICALP'09, MFCS'09
- DICE 10, LCC
10, CSL 10
- FOPARA '11, CAI '11, LSFA '11
- DICE '13, CSL '13
- Next Conferences: