Corso Svizzera, n. 185
10149 Torino --- ITALY
E-mail: roversi at di dot unito dot it
Fax: +39 011 751603
Tel: +39 011 670 6720
Luca Roversi is associate professor in Computer science.
From 2001 through 2013 his teaching duties were at former Facoltà di Scienze Politiche -- Torino. Since 2014 he teaches at the Dipartimento di Informatica -- Torino where he degrees in Computer Science on 1990.
He accomplished a Doctorate in Computer science at Dipartimento di Informatica -- Pisa on 1995.
He spent post-doc periods at Computer science department of Brandeis University -- Boston, and at Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy -- Marseille as a TMR --- Marie Curie fellow.
His current research activity develops at the Dipartimento di Informatica -- Torino, where he was a former researcher. His research is in theoretical computer science with particular interests about the formal methods linked to the Structural proof theory. He has written papers in lambda-calculus, type theory, applications of category theory, linear and resource logics, deep-inference and reversible computation.
He was a former member of the Executive Board of the Associazione Italiana di Logica e Applicazioni (AILA.)