Third International Congress on Classical Logic and Computation  

A Workshop in Honour of Helmut Schwichtenberg 

at MFCS & CSL, Brno, Czech Republic, 21-22 August 2010

held jointly with Program Extraction and Constructive Proofs

Picture of Helmut Schwichtenberg

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Helmut Schwichtenberg turning emeritus in September 2010

This workshop is to be held on the occasion that Helmut Schwichtenberg will be turning emeritus in September 2010. This workshop aims to support a fruitful exchange of ideas between the various lines of research on Classical Logic and Computation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: version of lambda calculi adapted to represent classical logic; design of programming languages inspired by classical logic; cut-elimination for classical systems; proof representation and proof search for classical logic; translations of classical to intuitionistic proofs; constructive interpretation of non-constructive principles; witness extraction from classical proofs; constructive semantics for classical logic (e.g. game semantics); case studies (for any of the previous points).

Invited Speakers

To be announced.


Registration is through the MFCS & CSL site.


Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi, Ulrich Berger.
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Classical Logic and Computation, 22 August 2010

  • 9:00 Opening
  • 9:10 (Invited Talk) Grigori Mints Epsilon substitution in predicate logic
  • 10:00 Federico Aschieri Interactive learning based realizability and 1-backtracking games
  • 10:30 Coffee
  • 11:00 Luis Pinto and Tarmo Uustalu Relating sequent calculi for bi-intuitistic propositional logic
  • 11:30 Clement Houtman Superdeduction in lambda bar mu mu tilde
  • 12:00 Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem An applicative theory for PH
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:10 (Invited Talk) Ulrich Kohlenbach Analyzing proofs based on weak sequential compactness
  • 15:00 Trifon Trifonov Dialectica interpretation with marked counterexamples
  • 15:30 Coffee
  • 16:00 Gilda Ferreira and Paulo Oliva On various negative translations
  • 16:30 (Short talk) Jeffrey Vaughan A logical interpretation of Java-style exceptions
  • 16:50 (Short talk) Stefan Hetzl, Alexander Leitsch and Daniel Weller CERES in higher-order logic
  • 17:10 Closing

    Proceedings on EPTCS and APAL Special Issue for CL&C 10: Go back to list of all CL&C congresses

    M. Seisenberger (, March 2010.