Seventh International Workshop on
Classical Logic and Computation

July, 7, 2018 Oxford, UK
  • Venue (link to FSCD 2018)
  • Call For Papers (to be announced)
  • Paper Submission
  • CL&C 2018 Program Committee: right-hand-side of this page
  • Registration
  • Travel Information (link to fscd 2018)
  • CL&C'18 is part of FSCD 2018 (the former TLCA + RTA), which is affiliated to FLOCS 2018.

    Important dates

  • Paper submission: April, 15 2018
  • Notification: May, 15 2018
  • Final version due: May, 30 2018, 2018
  • Workshop date: July, 7, 2018
  • Scope

    CL&C'18 is the seventh of a conference series on "Classical Logic and Computation". It intends to cover all work aiming to explore computational aspects of classical logic and mathematics.

    The fact that classical mathematical proofs of simply existential statements can be read as programs was established by Goedel and Kreisel half a century ago. But the possibility of extracting useful computational content from classical proofs was taken seriously only from the 1990s on when it was discovered that proof interpretations based on Goedel's and Kreisel's ideas can provide new nontrivial algorithms and numerical results, and the Curry-Howard correspondence can be extended to classical logic via programming concepts such as continuations and control operators.

    CL&C is focused on the exploration of the computational content of mathematical and logical principles. The scientific aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both fields and exchange ideas.

    This workshop aims to support a fruitful exchange of ideas between the various lines of research on Classical Logic and Computation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • calculi adapted to represent classical logic,
    • design of programming languages inspired by classical logic,
    • cut-elimination for classical systems,
    • proof representation and proof search for classical logic,
    • translations of classical to intuitionistic proofs,
    • constructive interpretation of non-constructive principles,
    • witness extraction from classical proofs,
    • constructive semantics for classical logic (e.g. game semantics),
    • case studies (for any of the previous points).

    Invited Speaker

  • Alex Simpson, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Submission and Publication

    CL&C recognises two kinds of papers, full (accepted) papers and short papers. Submissions of full papers will be refereed at normal standards. Participants are encouraged to present work in progress, overviews of more extensive work, and programmatic/position papers, as well as completed projects. We therefore ask for submission both of short abstracts and of longer papers.

    To encourage the submission of ongoing work, at the workshop there will be a session for notes or work in progress, as well as a session for accepted papers. In order to make a submission:

    CLAC logo

    Programme committee

  • Bahareh Afshari, University of Gothenburg
  • Stefan Hetzl, Vienna University of Technology
  • Federico Aschieri, Technical University, Wien
  • Helmut Schwichtenberg, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Christophe Raffalli, LAMA, Universite de Savoie
  • Alexandre Miquel IMERL, Fing, Montevideo (chair)

    Steering committee

  • Stefano Berardi - Univers. di Torino (term ending in 2018)
  • Steffen van Bakel - Imperial College of London