A program implementing Tarski Game Semantic
and BCK-Game Semantic
(if you opened by a Mathematica interpreter:
select this title then press Shift+Enter
to install the program)

Web page on Tarski Games with Backtracking: http ://www . di . unito . it/~ stefano/Tarski

This is the Mathematica source file (with some comments), of a program helping two human players taking the role of Eloise and Abelard, and discuss the truth of a mathematical statement. Eloise tries and argue in favor of the truth of the statement, Abelard in favor of falsity of the statement.

§0.1 The formulas of the game semantic.

§0.2 A program implementing Game Semantic for Classical Logic and Constructive Implication.

§0.3 An interface using buttons?

Created by Mathematica  (October 17, 2006)