LCM: Markov Principle.


Clear[P] ;


F13 = Impl[Neg[Neg[Ex["x", "P(x)"]]], Ex["x", "P(x)"]] ;





Thin and thick edges in Eloise's view-tree (a reminder). Whenever we backtrack from position i to position j<i, we retract all positions j+1, ..., i. We mark this fact by drawing the edges leading to the positions j+1, ..., i thinner. If the position j was retracted, and now we recover it, the whole play comes back to the state it was in position j. We mark this fact by drawing the edges leading to positions 1, ..., j either thin or thick, according if they were thin or thick in the view-tree for position j. A single move can change the look of the view-tree deeply, because we can recover an older state of the tree.

Dotted positions (reminder). We mark with a big dot any position to which Eloise can backtrack to using intuitionistic backtracking: all negative judgements of the tree, and the last positive judgement, in the part of the tree having thick edges.

We choose the parameters of the game.


savedplay = ( "move 1"     "Box"      ) ;                  ... LCM, ConstructiveImplication, CutFree", "TreeWidth=800, FontSize=18", savedplay] ;










Goal of: Eloise



{} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Goal of: Abelard

{} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)),  {}




Abelard must attack the only subformula (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Abelard moves: Box







Goal of: Eloise



{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)),  {}




Eloise must either attack the left, or defend the right subformula of (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Eloise moves: Left







Goal of: Eloise

{} , ¬¬∃x.P(x),  {}


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))}

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))}


{} , ¬¬∃x.P(x)


Eloise must defend the only subformula of ¬¬∃x.P(x)

Eloise moves: Negation







Goal of: Eloise



{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , ¬∃x.P(x)

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , ¬∃x.P(x),  {}




Abelard must defend the only subformula of ¬∃x.P(x)

Abelard moves: Negation







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x)} , ∃x.P(x),  {}


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}


{¬¬∃x.P(x)} , ∃x.P(x)


Abelard must defend of some instance x of ∃x.P(x)

Abelard moves: x=a







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x)} , P(a),  {}


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}


{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x)} , P(a)


P(a) is true.

Abelard moves: Atom







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a)} , ,  {}


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ¬∃x.P(x)}


{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a)} , 


Eloise has no subformulas to choose.

Eloise backtracks to the node number 2 of the play.

This backtracking drops out the current goal and possibly more nodes (proper LCM move).







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a), }


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)),  {}




Eloise must either attack the left, or defend the right subformula of (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))

Eloise moves: Right







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a), }


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , ∃x.P(x)

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x))} , ∃x.P(x),  {}




Eloise must defend of some instance x of ∃x.P(x)

Eloise moves: x=a







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a), }


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ∃x.P(x)} , P(a)

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ∃x.P(x)} , P(a),  {}




P(a) is true.

Eloise moves: Atom







Goal of: Eloise

{¬¬∃x.P(x), ∃x.P(x), P(a), }


{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ∃x.P(x), P(a)} , 

Goal of: Abelard

{(¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), (¬¬∃x.P(x)∃x.P(x)), ∃x.P(x), P(a)} , ,  {}




Abelard has no subformulas to choose.

Abelard gives up.


This is the list of all moves of the play:

( move 1     Box      )            move 2     L            move 3     Negation ...         move 7     R            move 8     a            move 9     Atom            move 10    drop

Created by Mathematica  (November 11, 2006)