Ruolo: PhD - Temporary Research Assistant
Computer Science Department - University of Torino
Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino, Italy
Telefono: +39 011 Fax: +39 011
Skype: e.sulis
Ricevimento: Da concordare
Emilio Sulis is a temporary research assistant in Computer Science at the University of Turin.
His research activity has focused on the impact of information technology on society, focusing in particular on Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in the analysis of organizational processes (process-oriented data science). Recently, he has focused on various technologies and two main areas of AI: on the one hand, methods for information extraction and representation of organizational processes (Business Process Management and Process Mining in both private and public companies, e.g. Health domain); on the other hand, analysis of legal texts and social media, with Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). Moreover, he has carried out computational social simulations (CSS), also with a two years grant from CRT Foundation with agent-based modeling (ABM) and discrete-event simulation (DES). The main interest concerns the development of digital culture in organizations and society, from opportunity and risk analysis to economic growth models, from education to policy-making.
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