SubmissionWe emphasize the workshop character of CARe-MAS 2017. This is an event to discuss with peers new ideas and directions, to initiate new collaborations, and to share experiences. Therefore we solicit the submission of papers that the authors might consider not yet ready for a journal publication or to be included in the post-proceedings. These papers can make unorthodox claims, offer new views on traditional methods, and would typically generate fruitful and lively discussions. All contributions must be formatted according to the LNCS style. The workshop accepts two kinds of submissions:
We plan to have two publication stages: (1) proceedings on a volume published by CEUR-WS.org; (2) assuming a sufficient number of high-quality submissions, we are again going to consider the publication of selected, revised, and extended versions of the presented papers as a special issue on an international journal. Pre-proceedings containing all accepted papers will be provided electronically through this web site before the date in which the workshop will take place. Submission should be done via EasyChair. |