Università di Torino

Cristina Baroglio's Home Page (didattica)

Current address:
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera, 185
I-10149 Torino (ITALY)

e-mail: baroglio[at]di.unito.it
Tel:      +39 011 670 67 03
Fax:     +39 011 75 16 03

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Vice-direttrice per la didattica

Cristina Baroglio took her ``Laurea'' degree in Computer Science at the University of Torino, Italy, in 1991 and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences at the same university in 1996. Since 2005 she is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of this institute. If you are interested in further details you can take a look at her curriculum vitae (Italian, English) and list of publications by category, by year [1992-2019], on DBLP, on Scholar Google, by keywords or by title words.

Her research interests include (most recent first):

Accountability nd Responsibility for Engineering Multiagent Systems (and software)
Multiagent Systems
Interaction Protocols
Commitment-based Approaches
Computational Ethics in Sociotechnical Systems (see link)
pallino> Conformance and interoperability
pallino> Choreography-driven matchmaking
pallino> Agents and (web) services (go to the mallow-awesome'007 home page)
pallino> Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (go to the REWERSE home page)
pallino> Adaptation based on reasoning (go to the Advanced Logic in Computing Environments home page)
pallino> automatic teaching to artificial agents (hybrid -symbolic/non-symbolic- learning systems, reinforcement learning)
pallino> learning mutually recursive relations
pallino> IFS-based image representation (fractals, go to the Fractal Feature Extraction for Image Recognition Home Page)

Take a look:

pallino> New!! EMAS 2020, 8th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems link
pallino> WESAAC 2019, 13nd Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications link
pallino> PRIMA 2019, the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems link
pallino> Computational Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Systems (CARe-MAS) Workshop @ PRIMA 2017, link
pallino> CfP of ACM Trans. on Internet Technology special section on "Computational Ethics and Accountability: Intelligent Systems for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility" txt, pdf
pallino> PRIMA 2015, 18th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent (tutorial chair) home page
pallino> AAMAS 2015, Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (tutorial chair): home page
pallino> AI*IA 2013, XXV anniversary of AI*IA (co-chair): home page
pallino> MALLOW-AWESOME010 (co-chair): home page
pallino> MALLOW'009 and EASSS'009 (respectively co-chair and organizer): home page
pallino> MALLOW-AWESOME'009 (co-chair): home page
pallino> Reasoning Web Summer School 2008 (organizer): home page
pallino> DALT'08: home page
pallino> MALLOW'007 (co-chair, check for mallow-awesome'007): home page
pallino> Reasoning Web Summer School 2007 (organizer): home page
pallino> Summer School Chambery-Torino 2006 (organizer): home page
pallino> CWSCDL: WS-CDL extended with capabilities
pallino> Oggetti-Agenti: association home page
pallino> DALT'06: Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies workshop home page
pallino> PersWeb'05: Personalization on the Semantic Web workshop home page
pallino> WEBIST'05: Web Information systems and Technologies conference home page
pallino> WOA04: workshop home page
pallino> Int. Doctoral School Chambery-Torino, 2004 edition (organizer): home page
pallino> Intelligenza Artificiale: journal home page

my 2D code

Guardo nel buio e ne scorgo le luci; Nulla è nulla.
(C. Zabai)

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mail to: baroglio@di.unito.it Last update: May 20, 1999