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Welcome to the home page of the International Summer School Chambery-Torino 2006

The school is oriented to Ph.D. students in the area of Computer Science and Engineering, and to professionals who are interested in deepening their knowledge in methodologies and approaches on the edge of research in Computer Science

The 2006 edition will take place in Collegno (Torino) from August, 28th, through September, 1st, and will be hosted by the "Università italo-francese" (link to the web site)

As in the tradition of the summer school, born from the collaboration of the Department of Computer Science from the University of Torino and the University of Savoie-Chambery, also this year the school offers two parallel courses, sharing a first day. One course will concern topics from the area of theoretical computer science, the other course will instead concern topics from the area of service-oriented architectures