Scientific Committee
Contact info

The school will be held from August, 28th, to September, 1st in the setting of the "Real Certosa di Collegno". The school will be hosted by the "Università italo-francese" (web site). The address is: Università Italo Francese, P.zza Cavalieri della SS.ma Annunziata (also known as "piazzale AVIS"), I10093, Collegno (Torino)

Collegno is a little city at the west-end of Torino and can easily be reached from Torino Porta Nuova railway station (city center) as well as from Porta Susa railway station.

You can use this web site to plan your trip to the school locations using the public means of transport: GTT. Use "via Martiri del XXX aprile" as "indirizzo" for the destination (the town name is Collegno). The service is in Italian only.

About the bus tickets: to go from Torino to the metro stop "Paradiso" (for those who stay at hotel Frejus) an urban ticket is sufficient (biglietto urbano), instead, to go directly from Torino to the Università Italo-Francese you need to buy a different ticket (biglietto urbano più suburbano). The ticket validity is 70 minutes, after you stamp it.

Some maps for reaching the location of the school:

  • NEW --> here is a PDF file containing explanations on how to reach the school location and the hotels from Torino Porta Susa and Porta Nuova and from Collegno railway station.
  • map (red arrow: from the railway station, blue arrow: arriving by bus from Torino)
  • map (getting to "Piazzale AVIS")
  • link to the same map centered around "Piazzale AVIS";
  • map to reach Villa 5 (click on the animation)
  • map to reach Hotel Frejus