Università di Torino

Research on "Formal Methods in Computing"

Conjunctive Types and Useless-code Elimination (Extended Abstract)

(Superseded by the full paper [Damiani, 2001])

Ferruccio DAMIANI

ABSTRACT. We investigate the use of conjunctive non-standard type inference for the elimination of useless-code in higher-order typed functional programs. In particular, we present a non-standard type assignment system for detecting useless-code and a mapping that simplifies a program by removing all the useless-code that can be detected by using the system.
KEYWORDS: functional languages, program analysis, program transformation, non-standard type inference.

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   author    = {F. Damiani},
   title     = {Conjunctive Types and Useless-code Elimination 
                (Extended Abstract)},
   booktitle = {{ICALP Workshops}},
   series    = {Proceedings in Informatics},
   volume    = {8},
   year      = {2000},
   publisher = {Carleton-Scientific},
   pages     = {271--285}

["Formal Methods in Computing" group] [Department's HOME]

Last update: Mar 14, 2007