Università di Torino

Research on "Formal Methods in Computing"

An type preserving translation of Fickle into Java

Davide ANCONA, Christopher ANDERSON, Ferruccio DAMIANI , Sophia DROSSOPOULOU , Paola GIANNINI, and Elena ZUCCA

Work partially supported by MURST Cofin '99 TOSCA Project, CNR-GNSAGA, and the EPSRC (Grant Ref: GR/L 76709).

ABSTRACT. We present a translation from Fickle (a Java-like language allowing objects that can change their class at run-time) into plain Java. The translation, which maps any Fickle class into a Java class, is driven by an invariant that relates the Fickle object to its Java counterpart. The translation, which is proved to preserve both the static and the dynamic semantics of the language, is an enhaced version of a previous proposal by the same aurhors .


   author    = {D. Ancona and C. Anderson and F. Damiani and
                S. Drossopoulou and P. Giannini and E. Zucca},
   title     = {An type preserving translation of Fickle into Java },
   booktitle = {TOSCA'01},
   year      = {2002},
   volume    = {62},
   publisher = {Elsevier},
   pages     = {},
   series    = {ENTCS}

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Last update: May 19, 2004