Chronological Overview 
 Type-Hierarchical Overview 
Formal Methods in Computing
(Most of the papers antecedent to 1995
are not included in the list)

DalLago+Martini+Roversi:2004-TYPES (In proceedings)
Author(s) Ugo Dal Lago, Simone Martini and Luca Roversi
Title« Higer-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence »
InProceedings of TYPES'03
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Higher-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence (HOLRR) is a linear (affine) lambda-calculus --- every variable occurs at most once --- extended with a recursive scheme on free algebras. One simple condition on type derivations enforces both polytime completeness and a strong notion of polytime soundness on typable terms. Completeness for poly-time holds by embedding Leivant's ramified recurrence on words into HOLRR. Soundness is established at all types --- and not only for first order terms. Type connectives are limited to tensor and linear implication. Moreover, typing rules are given as a simple deductive system

BibTeX code

  volume = {3085},
  author = {Dal Lago, Ugo and Martini, Simone and Roversi, Luca},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of TYPES'03},
  url = {},
  title = {Higer-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence},
  abstract = {Higher-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence (HOLRR) is a linear
              (affine) lambda-calculus --- every variable occurs at most once
              --- extended with a recursive scheme on free algebras. One simple
              condition on type derivations enforces both polytime completeness
              and a strong notion of polytime soundness on typable terms.
              Completeness for poly-time holds by embedding Leivant's ramified
              recurrence on words into HOLRR. Soundness is established at all
              types --- and not only for first order terms. Type connectives are
              limited to tensor and linear implication. Moreover, typing rules
              are given as a simple deductive system},
  copyrightspringer = {},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  pages = {178--193},
  year = {2004},

 Chronological Overview 
 Type-Hierarchical Overview 
Formal Methods in Computing
(Most of the papers antecedent to 1995
are not included in the list)

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