icona newsNews

  • 8/5/2015 -- Our project proposal "MIMOSA: Ontology-driven query system for the heterogeneous data of a SmArt City" submitted to the call "Addressing Horizon 2020" has been funded by the University of Torino (Project sponsored by the Compagnia di San Paolo).
  • 15/1/2015 -- IEEE Spectrum just published the article "Fighting Ebola with Simulations and Algorithms" on our research on epidemics.
    Check out the article .
  • 01/12/2014 -- We just received a new NSF Grant "RAPID: Understanding the Evolution Patterns of the Ebola Outbreak in West-Africa."
    Title: RAPID: Understanding the Evolution Patterns of the Ebola Outbreak in West-Africa and Supporting Real-Time Decision Making and Hypothesis Testing through Large Scale Simulations
    Award ID: #1518939
    NSF Division/Directorate: - IIS Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems - CSE Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr

    PIs: K. Selcuk Candan candan@asu.edu (Principal Investigator), Gerardo Chowell-Puente (Co-Principal Investigator), Maria Luisa Sapino (Co-Principal Investigator)
    Check out NSF project site for more info.
  • 10/07/2014 -- I joined the organizing committe of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2015) which will take place on March 2015 in Tempe (AZ).
    Check out IC2E2015 for the conference web page.