Publications in refereed international journals (30)
- L. Bioglio, R.G. Pensa. Analysis and classification of privacy-sensitive content in social media posts. EPJ Data Sci. 11(1): 12 (2022), 24 pages. Open access.
- S. Tarallo, G. Ferrero, F. De Filippis, A. Francavilla, E. Pasolli, V. Panero, F. Cordero, N. Segata, S. Grioni, R.G. Pensa, B. Pardini, D. Ercolini, A. Naccarati Stool microRNA profiles reflect different dietary and gut microbiome patterns in healthy individuals. Gut, Vol 71 (2022), pp. 1302–1314. Open access.
- A. Francavilla, A. Gagliardi, G. Piaggeschi, S. Tarallo, F. Cordero, R.G. Pensa, A. Impeduglia, G.P. Caviglia, D.G. Ribaldone, G. Gallo, S. Grioni, G. Ferrero, B. Pardini, A. Naccarati Faecal miRNA profiles associated with age, sex, BMI, and lifestyle habits in healthy individuals. Sci Rep 11:20645 (2021), 15 pages. Open access.
- A.M. Censi, D. Ienco, Y.J.E. Gbodjo, R.G. Pensa, R. Interdonato, R. Gaetano. Attentive Spatial Temporal Graph CNN for Land Cover Mapping From Multi Temporal Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Access 9 (2021), pp. 23070-23082. Open access.
- E. Battaglia, S. Celano, R.G. Pensa. Differentially Private Distance Learning in Categorical Data. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 35(5), 2021, pp. 2050-2088. Open access.
- S. Yang, D. Ienco, R. Esposito, R.G. Pensa. ESA?: A generic framework for semi-supervised inductive learning. Neurocomputing Vol. 447 (2021), pp. 102-117.
- E. Battaglia, R.G. Pensa. A parameter-less algorithm for tensor co-clustering. Machine Learning, 2021, 43 pages. Open access.
- D. Ienco, R.G. Pensa. Enhancing Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning via Knowledge-Aware Data Embedding. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2019, 7 pages. Available online.
- M. Pirra, R.G. Pensa. Comparing Transport Quality Perception among Different Travellers in European Cities through Co-Cluster Analysis. Sustainability Vol. 11(24) 2019, 7159. Open access.
- L. Boglio, V. Rho, R.G. Pensa. Ranking by inspiration: a network science approach. Machine Learning Vol. 109(6), 2020, pp. 1205-1229. Springer.
- R.G. Pensa, G. Di Blasi, L. Boglio. Network-aware privacy risk estimation in online social networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining. Vol. 9(1) 2019, 15:1-15:15. Springer.
- L. Boglio, S. Capecchi, F. Peiretti, D. Sayed, A. Torasso, R.G. Pensa. A Social Network Simulation Game to Raise Awareness of Privacy among School Children. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. Vol. 12(4), 2019, pp. 456-469. IEEE.
- L. Boglio, R.G. Pensa. Identification of key films and personalities in the history of Cinema from a Western perspective. Applied Network Science. Vol. 3:50 2018. SpringerOpen.
- P. Benedetti, D. Ienco, R. Gaetano, K. Ose, R.G. Pensa, S. Dupuy. M3Fusion: A Deep Learning Architecture for Multiscale Multimodal Multitemporal Satellite Data Fusion. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Vol. 11(12) 2018, pp. 4939-4949. IEEE.
- S. Blanc, F. Lingua, L. Bioglio, R.G. Pensa, F. Brun, A. Mosso. Implementing Participatory Processes in Forestry Training Using Social Network Analysis Techniques. Forests. Vol. 9(8) 2018, 463.
- R.G. Pensa, G. Di Blasi. A privacy self-assessment framework for online social networks. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 86 2017. pp. 18-31 pages. Elsevier.
- D. Ienco, R.G. Pensa, R. Meo. A Semi-Supervised Approach to the Detection and Characterization of Outliers in Categorical Data. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. Vol. 28(5) 2017. pp. 1017-1029 pages. IEEE.
- G. Rizzo, R. Meo, R.G. Pensa, G. Falcone, R. Troncy. Shaping City Neighborhoods Leveraging Crowd Sensors. Information Systems. Vol. 64 2017. pp. 368-378. Elsevier.
- R.G. Pensa, M.L. Sapino, C. Schifanella, L. Vignaroli. Leveraging Cross-domain Social Media Analytics to Understand TV Topics Popularity. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. Vol. 11(2) 2016. pp. 10-21. IEEE.
- D. Ienco, R.G. Pensa. Positive and unlabeled learning in categorical data. Neurocomputing. Vol. 196 2016. pp. 113-124. Elsevier.
- I. Bartolini, V. Moscato, R.G. Pensa, A. Penta, A. Picariello, C. Sansone, M.L. Sapino. Recommending Multimedia Visiting Paths in Cultural Heritage Applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications. Vol. 75(7) 2016. pp. 3813-3842. Springer.
- A. Monreale, D. Pedreschi, R.G. Pensa, F. Pinelli. Anonymity Preserving Sequential Pattern Mining. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol. 22(2) 2014. pp 141-173. Springer.
- A. Visconti, F. Cordero, R.G. Pensa. Leveraging additional knowledge to support coherent bicluster discovery in gene expression data. Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 18(5) 2014. pp. 837-855. IOS Press.
- R.G. Pensa, D. Ienco, R. Meo. Hierarchical Co-Clustering: Off-line and Incremental Approaches. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. Vol. 28(1) 2014. pp 31-64. Springer.
- D. Ienco, C. Robardet, R.G. Pensa, R. Meo. Parameter-Less Co-Clustering for Star-Structured Heterogeneous Data. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. Vol. 26(2) 2013. pp 217-254. Springer.
- D. Ienco, R.G. Pensa, R. Meo. From Context to Distance: Learning Dissimilarity for Categorical Data Clustering. Trans. on Knowledge Discovery from Data. Vol. 6(1) 2012. pp 1:1-1:25. ACM Press.
- R.G. Pensa, J-F. Boulicaut, F. Cordero, M. Atzori. Co-clustering Numerical Data under User-defined Constraints. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Vol. 3(1) 2010. pp 38-55. Wiley-Blackwell.
- J. Leyritz, S. Schicklin, S. Blachon, C. Keime, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut, J. Besson, R.G. Pensa, O. Gandrillon. SQUAT: a web tool to mine human, murine and avian SAGE data. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:378.
- S. Blachon, R.G. Pensa, J. Besson, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut, O. Gandrillon. Clustering formal concepts to discover biologically relevant knowledge from gene expression data. In Silico Biology 7, 0033 (2007).
- R.G. Pensa, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut. Supporting bi-cluster interpretation in 0/1 data by means of local patterns. Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 10(5) 2006. pp. 457-472. IOS Press.