Role: Associate Professor
Address: office 35
Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Torino
Via Pessinetto 12, 10149 Torino, Italy
Email: cena AT
Phone: +39 011 6706779 Fax: +39 011 751603
Ricevimento: Dipartimento di Informatica, ufficio 35, mercoledi 9-10 (previo appuntamento via email)
I am currently an associate professor at the Computer Science Department at University of Torino, where I'm a member of SIOC , Smart Interactive Objects and Systems @ Department of Computer Science. I'am currently the head of Smart City Lab @ ICxT (Center for Innovation for the Territory).
I received a degree in "Communication Science" at the University of Torino in 2001 and in "Communication in ICT Society" in 2003.
In 2002 I took the Master "Web Career" on Information-Communication Technologies.
I hold a Ph. D. in Communication Science and Design (2004-2007) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino. My thesis was about the semantic technologies applied to user model interoperability; advisors, prof. Luca Console and Lora M.Aroyo.
From September 2005 to January 2006 I visited the Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica (CWI) of Amsterdam.
From 2005 to 2011 I had a Post Doc position at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino.