7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 7th Edition
NEWS: Join the Google group of AIC
AIC 2019 is the seventh international appointment of the International Workshop Series AIC on "Artificial Intelligence and Cognition". The AIC series started in 2013, stemming from the need of creating an international scientific forum for the discussion and the presentation of the theoretical and applied research developments in the field of cognitively inspired Artificial Intelligence.
In recent years, after a period of partial fragmentation of the research directions between the AI and Cognitive Science community, the area of cognitively inspired artificial systems has attracted a renewed attention both from academia and industry and the awareness about the need for additional research in this interdisciplinary field is gaining again widespread acceptance.
In this spirit, the AIC 2019 workshop aims at putting together researchers coming from different domains (e.g., artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, engineering, philosophy, social sciences, etc.) working on the interdisciplinary field of cognitively inspired artificial systems.
AIC 2019 will take place in Manchester, UK, in September 10-11, 2019. The conference venue is in the Kilburn Building (Room 1.5), in the Oxford Road Campus of the University of Manchester. See here for campus map and travel info: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/maps/
SPECIAL-FOCUS: AIC 2019 will host a special track on EMBODIMENT.
AIC 2019 particularly welcome papers raising challenging questions, innovative ideas and out of the box thinking and which, as a consequence, can help to promote interesting discussions at the workshop. The participation of younger researchers is encouraged as well.
Please address questions regarding the workshop to the AIC 19 Organizers (Angelo Cangelosi and Antonio Lieto).