7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
AIC 2019 - Registration
In order to have the paper published in the proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper must register to the AIC workshop and attend the event to present the paper. The AIC proceedings are published by CEUR-ws and indexed on DBLP and SCOPUS
To register for the AIC 2019 Workshop please follow this link: https://estore.manchester.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/faculty-of-science-engineering/school-of-computer-science/aic-2019/aic-2019-7th-international-workshop-on-artificial-intelligence-and-cognition..
The registration deadline is 1 September, but that we will accept late registration as we know it is too late for some admin units to process payments within the next 2 summer weeks.