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Università di Torino

Machine Learning/Genetic Algorithm

Public Available Data Sets

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The train check-out problem

Used as benchmark in the paper by M. Botta, A. Giordana and R. Piola: "FONN: Combining First Order Logic with Connectionist Learning", Proc. of the ICML-97 (Nashville, TN, 1997), pp. 48-56.

It is a first-order problem with both numerical and symbolic attributes; a propositional version of the same problem is included.

The Artificial Characters problem

Used as benchmark in the paper by M. Botta, and A. Giordana: "SMART+: A MultiStrategy Learning Tool", Proc. of the IJCAI-93 (Chambery, France, 1993), pp. 937-943.

Spoken Digits problem

Fully described in the paper by F. Bergadano, A. Giordana and L. Saitta: "Automated Concept Acquisition in Noisy Environments" appeared in IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-10, 1988, pp 555-578.

Challenging Relational Learning problems

Artificial relational datasets used to study the phase transition phenomenon in matching first order formulas. Data, generation procedure, experiments and results are described in the following papers:
A. Giordana, M. Botta, L. Saitta (1999) "An Experimental Study of Phase Transitions in Matching", Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-99, (Stockholm, Sweden, 1999), pp. 1198-1203.
M. Botta, A. Giordana, L. Saitta, M. Sebag (1999) "Relational learning: Hard problems and phase transitions", Proc. of the 6th Congress AI*IA, LNAI 1792, (Bologna, Italy, 1999), pp. 178-189.
A. Giordana, L. Saitta, M. Sebag, M. Botta (2000) "Analyzing Relational Learning in the Phase Transition Framework", Proc. of the 17th International Machine Learning Conference, (Stanford, CA, 2000), pp. 311-318.

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