April, 30 (Wensday morning) to May, 4 (Sunday morning)

Viale Settimio Severo 65 - 10133 - Torino - Tel: (+39)0116603555


1.Introduction To Types 2003
2.Invited Speakers
4.Schedule Of The Congress
5.How To Register
6.How To Reserve
7.Accepted Papers
8.Social Events
9.How To Get To Villa Gualino
10.Map Of The Town Of Turin
11.Picture Of Villa Gualino
12.Organizing Commitee

4. Schedule Of The Congress

There is a long version of this schedule, including abstracts .

Wednesday, April, 30

  • 9: Opening of the congress
  • Programming Language design.
  • 9.30-10. Containers and their derivatives. Thorsten Altenkirch .
  • 10-10.30. Inductive familes need not store their indices. Edwin Brady .

  • 10-10.30. Coffee break.

  • 11-11.30. Epigram: an overview. Conor McBride . Co-author: James McKinna.
  • 11.30-12. Type Inference for Nested Self Types. Viviana Bono . Co-authors: Jerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn.
  • 12-12.30. Specification and Verification of Programs With Nested Datatypes:Illuminating Examples. Ralph Matthes , University of Munich.

  • 12.30-14 Lunch

  • Formalizing Theories.
  • 14-14.30. Formalization of Imperative Object-Calculi in (Co)Inductive Type Theories. Alberto Ciaffaglione . co-authors: Luigi Liquori, Marino Miculan.
  • 14.30-15: C-CoRN, the Constructive Coq Repository of Nijmegen. Luís Cruz-Filipe . Co-author: Herman Geuvers.
  • 15-15.30. Typed Ambients in Coq. Ivan Scagnetto . Co-author: Marino Miculan

  • 15-15.30. Coffee break.

  • 16-16.30. An operational formalization of square matrices in Coq. Nicolas Magaud (INRIA Sophia).
  • 16.30-17. Nested Data Types in Constructive Type Theory. Peter Aczel .

    Thursday, May, 1.

  • Logical Frameworks.
  • 9-10. Invited talk: A Concurrent Logical Framework. Pfenning Frank .
  • 10-10.30. A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records. Authors: Coquand, Pollack, Takeyama .

  • 10.30-11. Coffee break.

  • 11-11.30. PAL+, a lambda-free logical framework, and its implementation. P.C. Callaghan, Yong Luo, and Z. Luo .
  • 11.30-12. A Modular Approach to Logical Frameworks. Robin Adams .
  • 12-12.30. A Framework for Typed HOAS and Semantics. Marino Miculan and Ivan Scagnetto .

  • 12.30-14 Lunch

  • Type System Design .
  • 14-14.30. Modules in Coq with rewriting. Jacek Chrzaszcz .
  • 14.30-15. Combining Testing and Proving in Dependent Type Theory. Qiao Haiyan . Co-authors: Peter Dybjer, Makoto Takeyama
  • 15-15.30. Induction and Co-induction in Sequent Calculus. Alberto Momigliano . Co-authors: Dale Miller, Alwen Tiu

  • 15.30-16: Coffee break.

  • 16-16.30. Why: a multi-language multi-prover verification tool. Jean-Christophe Filliatre (LRI, Université Paris Sud)
  • 16.30-17. Rank 2 itersection types for modules. Damiani Ferruccio .

    17.30-19.30 BUSINNES MEETING

    Friday, May 2

  • Constructivism. 9-10. Invited Talk. Are the objects of propositional attitudes propositions in the sense of propositional and predicate logic? P. Martin Lof .
  • 10-10.30. TBA. Giovanni Sambin .

  • 10.30-11. Coffee break.

  • 11-11.30. TBA. Berardi Stefano .
  • 11.30-12. Witnesses in Constructive Analysis. Helmut Schwichtenberg .
  • 12-12.30. Induction and co-induction at work in formal topology. S. Valentini . Co-author: M.E.Maietti.

  • Category Theory.
  • 12.30-13. Abstract Stone Duality. Paul Taylor .

  • 12.30-14 Lunch

  • Type Theory and Semantic .
  • 14-14.30. Reduction Systems and Isomorphisms of Types. Sergei Soloviev . Co-author: David Chemouil
  • 14.30-15. Set-theoretic Functors. Furio Honsell . Co-author: Daniela Cancila, Marina Lenisa.
  • 15-15.30. Incomplete Proofs and Terms. G. Jojgov .

  • 16-16.30. Coffee break.

  • 16-16.30. Classical proofs and typed processes. Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad, Serbia). Co-author: Pierre Lescanne (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France).
  • 16.30-17. Termination of rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions. Daria Walukiewicz-Chrzaszcz .

  • 19.30: SOCIAL DINNER.

    Saturday, May, 3

  • Linguistic.
  • 9-9.30. Type Theory on a PDA: From Grammars to Gramlets. Kristofer Johannisson . Co-authors: Markus Forsberg, Janna Khegai, Aarne Ranta.
  • Formalizing Proofs .
  • 9.30-10. Extracting Test Cases from Correctness Proofs. Savi Maharaj . Co-author: Jeremy Bryans
  • 10-10.30. Examples of applications of a proof assistant: From free modules on principal rings to a boiler. Frédéric Ruyer , université de Chambéry.

  • 10.30-11. Coffee break.

  • 11-11.30.Formal proof sketches versus Lamport-style proof. Freek Wiedijk .
  • 11.30-12. Formalizing Higman's lemma in Isabelle. Stefan Berghofer (Muenchen) . Co-author: Monika Seisenberger (Swansea).
  • 12-12.30. Program extraction from large proof developments. Bas Spitters . Co-authors: Luis Cruz-Filipe.

  • 12.30-14: lunch.

  • Demo Session : 14-15.30. Demos runs in parallel.
  • PAF!, a proof assistant for ML programs verification. Sylvain Baro, Yves Legrangérard , PPS, Université Paris 7.
  • A prototype of PAL+, a lambda-free logical framework. P.C. Callaghan, Y. Luo, and Z. Luo.
  • Epigram: the story so far. Conor McBride. Co-author: James McKinna.
  • Tmcoq: Coq Integration within TeXmacs. Philippe Audebaud .
  • Modules in Coq 7.4. Jacek Chrzaszcz . Co-author: Pierre Letouzey.

  • 15.30-16: coffee break.

  • Optional Session (extra room for demos and talks) : 16-17.

    Conferences and some demos will take place in Room A, using a projector. In Room B there are 10 cables with IP number: you may use them for demo and mail, but you need your own laptop. In Room C there are 20 computers ranged in a classroom, for mail and experimenting with proof assistants. A projector is available for demos.
  • Prev.: 3. ListOfPartecipants . Up: 4. Schedule Of The Congress. Next: 5. How To Register .
    Web Adress: http://types2003.di.unito.it. E-mail: types2003@di.unito.it . Acknoledgements: Types 2003 is hosted by the Semantic Group of Computer Science Dept. of Turin University .This site has been generated using a Small Site Generator written in the Mathematica language by Stefano Berardi . Download the whole site.