April, 30 (Wensday morning) to May, 4 (Sunday morning)

Viale Settimio Severo 65 - 10133 - Torino - Tel: (+39)0116603555


1.Introduction To Types 2003
2.Invited Speakers
4.Schedule Of The Congress
5.How To Register
6.How To Reserve
7.Accepted Papers
8.Social Events
9.How To Get To Villa Gualino
10.Map Of The Town Of Turin
11.Picture Of Villa Gualino
12.Organizing Commitee

5. How To Register

This Registration Form must be fully completed, signed, and faxed to:
+39 011 751603
Turin University, C.S. Dept., Miss Daniela Costa and Mrs Claudia Goggioli
together with the receipt of your bank transfer. A separate reservationform must be sent to the Hotel (see next page). Notice that Reservationmust be send to a different fax number than Registration .
  • Registration deadline (strict!) is March, 20, 2003, and its cost is250,00 Euro.
  • Bank transfer expenses for payments must be totally charged to the payee'saccount. We must receive the exact amount of money required.
  • Bank coordinates are:
  • - SANPAOLO IMI S.p.A.   -   Sededi Via Monte di Pietà, 32 - Torino (Italy)
    - Account name :    Dipartimento di Informatica
    - Account number :    395334
    - Bank code :   ABI = 1025  -  CAB= 1100
    - SWIFT address :    IBSP IT TM 500
    - Bank transfer within Italy:   ABI 1025 CAB 1100
    - International Bank Transfer:    IBAN IT53 N0102501 1001 0000 0395334
  • Please make sure that your name, address and the "Types2003" keyword appearon the bank transfer request.
  • Download here the registration form

    For any administrative questions, please contact: Types 2003 - Mrs ClaudiaGoggioli. E- mail : goggioli@di.unito.it.Phone : +39 011 670 6790. Fax : +39 011 751603
    Prev.: 4. Schedule Of The Congress . Up: 5. How To Register. Next: 6. How To Reserve .
    Web Adress: http://types2003.di.unito.it. E-mail: types2003@di.unito.it . Acknoledgements: Types 2003 is hosted by the Semantic Group of Computer Science Dept. of Turin University .This site has been generated using a Small Site Generator written in the Mathematica language by Stefano Berardi . Download the whole site.