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Research Activities:
On 1/11/2001, i obtained the position of Researcher (Assistant Professor) in Computer Science from the faculty of “Scienze dealla Fromazione” (Arts and Teaching Faculty) of the University of Turin (Italy), after a public competition, won in September 2001. In November 2005, the position has been confirmed, becoming a Senior Researcher.
Fluid and Hybrid Performance Evaluation Models: study of numerical and analytical techniques to evaluate the performance of complex systems, using performance models described by mixed continuous and discrete components. In particular, i started by extending the formalism of Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets introduced by Trivedi and Kulkarni, adding new features and studying new solution techniques to compute both transient and steady state performance indices. Current studies deal with the efficient solution of Hybrid Bounded Fluid Models of the first and second order.
Tools for the Performance Evaluation: development of the Software Tool “DrawNET” (www.draw-net.com) - a framework to support the composition of performance evaluation models and formalisms. In particular, new object oriented metodology to develop models in a multi-formalism, multi-solution environment has been defined. These metodologies have been supported by the devlopment of a generic graphical user interface (GUI), an abstract data definition language (DDL), and a set of access libraries, written in Java language, and based on XML technology.
Analysis of Computer Networks: study of mobile telephone networks, “Peer-to-Peer” (P2P) systems, and sensor and ad-hoc networks. Several analytical techniques (mainly based on fluid and hybrid performance evaluation models) have been developed and applied to various kind of communication networks. In particular they have been used to study mobile phone networks (GPRS), the TCP/IP protocol and web services. Peer-to-Peer system have been studied for what concern the ability to locate a particular resource, and the time required to download it. Most recent studies concern the devolepement of spatial fluid models to optimize the energy consumption in sensor networks, and the study of efficient broadcast protocols in vehicular networks.
E-learning: study and development of a platform to create virtual reality based, e-learning shared applications based on low-cost technologies. In particular, simple and common web technologies (like Javascript and PhP) have been integrated with Virtual Reality applications (such as Adobe Atmosphere in the beginning and now Blaxxun), to recreate a Virtual Reality environment in which implement cooperative exercise to support the other common learning activities.
Marco Gribaudo - Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Torino - Turin - Italy